
I agree, not that it matters. I've got my own tats in places that are generally covered except on a really hot day, and I'm happy I do. As temporary decorative things, I'd get these in a heartbeat. Except I'm an Old, so 1) would probably not even be allowed entrance at Coachella; and 2) am so old that they'd end

“...she doesn’t know who to be now...” is just a wonderful, wonderful possible answer (along with “she doesn’t know HOW to be now?”) It’s as if she incorporated her early success into herself, sort of became her success and, now that the Madonna in her 20s simply doesn’t exist anymore (in the mirror), she’s flailing

And I’ve had one cup too many while dealing with an out-of-control teenaged Greater Swiss; my comment was far too snarky. Can we call it a draw? My K-12 Catholic schooling is bleeding through again and I came across like Sister Harriet Joseph.

If my “sweats” were offending someone next to whom I was sitting, I don’t know that I’d be all that hurt. Some noses are more sensitive than others and, if I was stinking up the place, I’d want to know so I could switch into something less foul.

And then it looks like he sat on his hands which was the last straw for me. Myholygod.

Your “not fixable by banning the Kardashians” point is a good one and now my brain hurts because I don’t want to think about them. ReggieThistleton, you’re a clever lemur and I’m throwing in the towel for tonight, but you’ve made a good point.

Yes, but you get definite props for the use of “twee” which, I think, is not used nearly enough these days.

Reference your handle, it happened to me yesterday for easily the 8th time since we’ve been Kinja’d. Logged-out through no fault of my own and, despite the Super-Extra-Secret-Special-Mine-and-Mine-Only-Key-That-I’d-Better-Write-Down-Because-They’re-Not-Going-to-Tell-Me-Again, was REFUSED re-entry! I can’t even you realize how many times commenters have written this very same thing? It doesn’t do any good! It’s frustrating as hell, I agree, and I also agree that the one last option available to us Jez-followers is to refuse to click. My curiosity about these people ran dry a long time ago and I feel confident

ETA: I need to start using the “...based on nothing...” explanation much, much more frequently. You have enriched my life greatly today, Zelda; thank you.

I like the cut of your jib.

He was just the biggest thing around back then, wasn’t he? Such an all-American Hero to everyone. I don’t get the feeling people today really get what a big deal he was. Actually, I think he’s still a big deal, having gotten away from That Family and all. Good on him and I wish him all the best, also.

I think it would suck more to “date” Cisco Adler but I guess it’s all relative. Seems things are pretty sucky for the girl all-around. I think I’d fail miserably at being a celebrity unless I could be a Streep, which makes me laugh to even consider it.