
I noticed the two chess pieces as well. Maybe it’s not a loop, but iterations? Like this is only the second time she’s gone through the series of events, but there’s no reason that every iteration has to remain the same. I think the hint was when her grandson said that if she kills her enemy (maybe not the Kid in the

Last week definitely had the weakest SEQUENCE (Henry’s experience in the chamber was just not well done, I’m sorry), but I felt itw as still a solidly uneasy episode. Rory Culkin really did an excellent job making you wonder just what he was so oddly fearful about until you realize that he’s counting down minutes to

Spacek doing a slow dance is totally a Carrie reference, right? It’s especially cool to see the stars of the first King adaptation and the latest one working together like this.

Holy shit that Castle Rock episode....

Pure blasphemy you called it a reboot/remake...its not being rebooted its merely picking up where the movie left off. And honestly I think it sounds pretty ground because the movie was pretty amazing and shows that even as an adult Veronica still has it.

I disagree. There is storyline based on the books Rob Thomas wrote post movie. Neptune is a place I love to visit no matter the reason. I squealed with glee when I heard the news.

Politics Corner - Eight is Enough/It’s Mueller Time edition. Both Trump Campaign Manager Manafort and Trump fixer Cohen were convicted of eight felonies today. I was really worried a Trump cultist would insist on casting not guilty votes on every charge, despite a mountain of evidence, but it turned out that the Trump

Between this and paying for her child rapist brother’s lawyer, maybe it’s time y’all confronted the possibility that she’s a piece of shit

Because being “preachy” and supporting child molesters are morally equivalent?

She just keeps digging herself in deeper. It was enough that her album flopped and she blamed a newborn for it, now she’s going ride or die for Tekashi of all people. Not only is he a pedophile, he’s a garbage rapper.

Also, I’m really curious what she saw in this dude that made her think, “There’s someone I want to go to bat for!” Just looking at him makes me want to shower. 

Meh, I just think he’s gotten a little preachy religious in his comments lately, a bit much with the God and praying and faith and all of that. It may just be a reaction to his family situation, but I find it condescending and unnecessary. Just a personal gripe, possibly.

Likewise. They make me rage so hard, being that wealthy and useless and fucking obnoxious while decent, hard-working, honest people are living in poverty. Sometimes I wish I could leave the planet.

I don’t remember the last time I went from having a pretty favorable opinion of a star to wishing they would honestly go away and take the remnants of their career with them.

when I know somebody there’s nothing you can tell me about them

Weird ass hill to die on, girl. 

This’d be like hearing the Chuckle Brothers seriously fought for Jimmy Savile to be brought back to CBBC...

Not often you get to say good job MTV.

I appreciate your comments, and it doesn’t surprise me to know that the victim was maybe a bit of an asshole. There are always asshole grad students. But you know what keeps them from becoming even bigger assholes? NOT SEXUALLY HARASSING THEM and holding their work to a fair, objective standard. If faculty had been

They both sound like utter assholes, but the onus is on the person with power not to initiate inappropriate communications and relationships.