
Ivana has always been a vile, classless, tacky asshole. There is nothing she would not do for money—and nothing she hasn’t done.

Scumbag. Can’t wait to see him try this in an actual courtroom. [Oops. sorry. Didn’t notice this was tucked away in the other roundup.]

So maybe Ivanka’s campaign will backfire and instead it will illuminate the country’s messed up issues with body acceptance, weight, and “health” seeing that she’s a living example of the lengths people will go to to meet society’s standards. People’s attention will be drawn to the corps and companies that are getting

The Wrong Side of History is going have to build another wing.

You forgot: Something, something, freedom of speech. Anti american. Fart.

I’m surprised he was able to take enough time out of his busy day of telling disinterested strangers that he does CrossFit to even make those tweets.

The same reason you carry a gun to WalMart. Because it makes you hard.

Dafuq does CrossFit “Infiltrate” even mean? Is this supposed to evoke some SEAL Team Six-level training? So many people seem to be living out versions of military fantasies until it’s time to, you know, military.

It never has and never will be anything but welcoming to all human beings who live, move, and breathe in God’s world.

“The intolerance of the LGBTQ ideology toward any alternative views is mind-blowing.”

how many times are we going to do this dance?

dude, really? crossfit doesn’t mean you gotta try to fit yourself up on a cross, ya know.

Who could have anticipated something terrible and ignorant coming from a CrossFitter?

I leave my straight-as-an-arrow husband at home when I go to Pride (he hates crowds anyway), I usually go with my gay uncles and/or my friend/ex-gf/platonic-lover person who is ace. Although I’m in a opp-sex relationship, I present as queer, like, people tend to guess from the short dyed hair, gothy/plaid clothes,

Fuck em. You do you. I don’t fight for anything. I just exist and if they don’t like it, they can take it somewhere else. They have no right to act that way. It’s super annoying because they are discriminating and it’s a head fuck but that’s on them and their insecurities.

I’m also a bi woman in a straight presenting relationship, and the way I deal with it is to go to events like pride with my queer friends while leaving my straight, cis partner at home. Your sexual orientation and sexual history aren’t anyones business and pride is as much ours as it is theirs.

Those women are cunts. Period.

Bi erasure sucks, and if you’re comfortable putting up a fight, I say go for it. You should be welcome at Pride, and anyone who says otherwise can go suck an egg.

I mean, obviously you do what you’re comfortable with, but as I understand it the point of Pride is specifically not having to defend your sex life to randos. Anyone demanding it can fuck off.

Don’t retreat. Claim your space. I go through the same thing. When I was living with a woman for 7 years, a lesbian group of friends kept bringing up my bisexuality, asking my partner if she really trusted me, and even excluded me from camping trips and movie nights that were “lesbian only.” We stopped socializing