Even if you absolutely believed there’s nothing wrong with dudes hitting their wives - how do you not grasp that the president punching his wife so hard she had to go to the hospital wouldn’t be a thing that at least sold some newspapers?
Even if you absolutely believed there’s nothing wrong with dudes hitting their wives - how do you not grasp that the president punching his wife so hard she had to go to the hospital wouldn’t be a thing that at least sold some newspapers?
That’s a good point. I hope someone asks that of Hersh. I wonder how much of his decision to publish about JFK was that the affairs were considered salacious and titillating but the domestic violence was sad or embarrassing.
Pretty sure assault was a crime in 1974, so I’m not sure what the fuck you’re blathering on about.
Random Dude is always more important than a woman. Obvs.
Nixon seemed to have the personality of an Incel, to be honest. He bore lots of grudges and I can see him taking those home with him at night.
And knew how to take a punch.
Yeah, the time, not so long ago, when marital rape was perfectly legal sounds so comforting that I wonder why Norman Rockwell didn’t paint one so we could wax nostalgic about it.
I think those conservatives are talking about a time when women were docile & “knew their place”.
When some conservatives point to the past as a time when women were revered, respected, and safe, it’s important to remember how much of the violence and abuse was simply not noticed or recorded.
That’s exactly the point though. The vast majority of fat people know why they are fat and how in theory to fix it. Yet there are still millions of people in America and around the world who struggle with obesity. Maybe there is more to the story, and it’s not as simple as “put the cheeseburger down, you dumb fatty.”…
It’s not an equivalence. Men are not plagued nearly as much as women are as men have always been valued for other factors. Women today often still are not valued beyond their appearance and certainly in the past that was the case.
If there was a plan to keep women down and powerless keeping them obese and taking expensive medications is a hell of a lot easier then making them sad/angry they are not a healthy weight. The diet and gym sectors make about 20 billion a year in revenue. Lipitor alone makes 14 billion dollars. The Patriarchy could not…
Ugh. It’s not without its merit you know. It’s just a lot more complicated than “an evil organization concocted a plan to keep women fat and dieting”. It’s not like the issues of body image aren’t in direct correlation with patriarchy - for both women and men, mind you. It’s just not something a dramedy of this type…
Don’t forget the epidemic of fragility among men. If even a single piece of media turns focus away from them, they pounce on it in the comments section like an MRA on a twitter thread started by a feminist.
For years women have been putting in very real work to address to address domestic violence. Laws have been enacted, shelters have been built. It’s still a problem, but progress is being made. Men suffering from domestic violence is a very real problem that needs to be seriously addressed. There are some men who are…
But what about the men?
Oop! CNN brought the receipts and stood behind their reporters. Faux News would never! Much respect to the news organization for this one.
This is what it’s like to have power and competent help on your side.
I’m guessing the task force determined getting rid of sexist men in charge like him helps?
In this woman’s defense, she’s at least given me a reason to re-watch one of my favorite West Wing clips