
I was talking to a friend about this when it happened and we were heartbroken and it devolved into a conversation about how we were sure this boiled down to a “scorned” boy. Because that is always what it boils down to. Men who can’t, for whatever reason, succeed in fucking us, rape us. And when they can’t do that

I will say this. I was once a teenager and my parents had no freaking clue who I really was. I smoked, drank, did drugs, hung out with boys, went to raves, sneaked out of the house to go places with boys and to parties, etc, etc, etc. But I got good grades and went to a private, Catholic high school. I probably would

I don’t remember who but someone posted on Twitter that men only get “so long” to show their son’s affection/love and mothers get their whole lives and it may me feel so sad for the men that think this way and then I read this maniac’s quotes and it made me even sadder but angry as well.

It’s not parents in general or moms. Men have to solve this problem. Men have to stop paying MRAs and PUAs to tell them they are entitled to love/sex. Men have to loudly reject people like Jordan Peterson when they state sex is the only thing preventing them from going berserk on humanity. Men have to talk to their

Why aren’t the families who don’t store their guns properly ever charged? His family, who gave him access to these weapons, are partly responsible for his actions & should face consequences for their enabling of his crimes.

Oh fuck off, Dana.

Being provoked is often seen as a mitigating factor, sometimes even legally. The shooter may feel that the rejection provoked the attack, but the media shouldn’t validate those feelings.

Trans people are “bullied” constantly (though I think bullying is too weak a word for being described as perverts and abominations, and having laws specifically written to discriminate against you) and I can’t recall any of them going on a rampage.

The “shooter was bullied” narrative comes straight from Columbine, where it’s been totally debunked.

Completely agree - I could not be more sickened by the coverage of the father’s words, and the many, many headlines that imply that the girl(s) brought it on themselves.

It used to be that crashes and deaths caused by driving while drunk was just considered a part of the inherent risk of driving. People drive; people drink; sometimes bad things happen. Such is life. It took a concerted effort of pissed of moms of dead kids to say that conceptualization was fucked up and it’s not only

We Need To Talk About Kevin is worth a watch on that subject.

I am so sorry. As a mother i can only imagine the pain.

Maybe if he’d died too I could understand it. They’d be grieving, and people can do fucked up things when they’re grieving.


The media may be reporting that, but people in this area are not buying it. My whole office has nothing but contempt for the shooter’s family trying to play like he is a victim. Most people want the father arrested too- for failing to secure his firearms. People are pissed.

I too was a quiet loner in school who got bullied by students and teachers, and I owned several trench coats over the years for what it’s worth. I also love video games and have gothy tendencies, but I never had the urge to inflict harm on others. Granted, I’m a woman and grew up in Europe.

I don’t know if there is a “right” way for parents to behave and speak out after something like this but this feels gross to me. Apologize for what your child did and then shut up. I’m sure it’s hard to process something like this but it’s just not the same thing as having your child murdered in cold blood, ESPECIALLY

Welp, the Pagourtzis family can cling to their false narrative as they decend into financial oblivion and permanent social pariah status from all the wrongful death lawsuits caused by their lil ‘ol Stillwell Angel.