
I have a cousin like this. I’m like, no, I know. Bernie’s awesome. I like Hillary better. And he’s like “BUT NO YOU AGREE WITH BERNIE!” And I’m like, “yep. I do. I also agree with Hillary and I like her better.” “BUT BERNIE!” Rinse, repeat.

This! His comments are especially gross because it wasn’t very long ago when a uterus actually did disqualify one for the role of president.

There’s this pernicious thing that’s happening among some (SOME, not all) Sander’s supporters, that people who support Clinton are doing it out of ignorance, and if they just knew better than they’d of course go and support Sanders, and it’s a thing that comes up more often when they hear about women and minorities

This articulates my feelings! I appreciate you!

I mean, I have no real stake in this argument, but clearly Steinem and Albright weren’t saying “Vote for Clinton because uterus!” they were saying “Vote for Clinton because she’s fought for woman-friendly/anti-sexist policies and will continue to all the way to the top.”

I want to like Bernie as I will vote for him if he gets the nod, but he scares me. Not because I think there are any saints in politics. There are not. But a wolf in sheep’s clothing scares me. I’d rather get all this stuff out on the table and deal with it than keep being surprised by his record (I didn’t know about

Uterus: starts with u and ends with us.

Then why did he reduce Sanders’ opponent to her uterus?

What is ridiculous to me is the fact that either Killer Mike or Elliott used this language in the first place. It is one thing to say “I am voting based on issues, not on gender,” but focusing on her uterus (or vagina, which I have heard both men and women talk about this election cycle) reduces women to our

Well, up until now, we have voting for people because they had penises.

Vote for Hillary because she is the most qualified candidate. Political ideology is only one aspect of being POTUS and it’s the ONLY aspect Bernie Sanders has on her.