
This works because those vehicles more closely resemble those old vehicles.  Everything on one of those machines is made to be repaired and serviced essentially forever.  

It doesnt make sense regardless. The time is too valuable and the way some of the stuff is assembled just doesnt work well with disassembly. Those old vehicles where simple and it made sense to reuse certain parts. As is there is a thriving market in car repair and complete all at once refurbishment makes no sense. 

Yeh we heard tons of complaints the next day but we watched it on FireTV on a 2009 42" Hitachi Video Monitor. The display was well calibrated and I turned the backlight up a tad but not to max. We could see fine enough. The dark was expected. There was never a moment we didn’t know what was going on. That TV is a

I bought whichever was the best spyder for PC in 2014 I wasn’t happy with the results when compared to traditional time consuming color bars and blue filter. Lifehacker has a guide on how to use the free AVSHD calibration disc I’ve been using video essentials since 2001 but only because it was given to me for free