
The latter. DEFINITELY the latter. He gambled on trying to hand slap Delta when they tried to part ways with the NRA, but during the campaign for the run off he just couldn’t quite figure out the perfect recipe of how many parts “good for business, more Hollywood tax cuts” Ga. GOPer and how many parts “guns, guns,

I’m afraid I’m going to need to measure the brim curve on the owner’s hat before I’m ready to believe the add.

Alternate titles include:

Pirro’s book title is a silly joke. More like Con Artists, Colluders, and Conservatives.

More projection from the right, as the only “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is among people who support that shitstack.

All of them lifelong members of the May I Speak to Your Manager Tabernacle Choir.

And thats fine. Some people like leather seats. People are allowed to like things. Things you don’t like.

By that logic, you could replace “Sunroofs” with any other modern component of the car. Power locks, windows, cruise control, radios, car starters...

Opens up the car, makes the green house visually bigger. I love sunroofs and don’t understand people that argue against them.

I don’t like driving in something that feels like a coffin. I like having the open air. And I don’t see why its not possible when I can get a civic, golf, wrx, focus and impreza all with sticks and sunroofs.

they couldn’t take the trash out to take pictures, were they bothered to maintain it at all?

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

White anxiety over identity is so real and toxic. These people are actually doing all this shit and enacting all this policy because they’re afraid of America becoming a less white nation... in the future... when they’ll all be fucking dead. Despite the fact that we need immigration to keep our working adult populatio

I was selling an 88 4Runner once. 3.0V6, otherwise I would have kept it. Anyways a guy comes to look at it, seems nice, we hit it off. He had a WRX, as did I (my other car at the time). He asks if he can take it to his mechanic. I say no problem. Brings it back, with a list of $2500 worth of items that his mechanic

To be honest, I will usually ask if they are flexible in price before meeting.  Of course I dont lead off with that on the first text.  But I usually have to drive upwards of 3 to 4 hours to look at cars and want to make sure they are worth my time.

Did you greet him with "Have a seat over there" ?

It’s pretty standard practice to over-price your vehicle when selling; if somebody’s willing to pay top-dollar, you win.  If somebody decides to haggle with you, you come down to fair value and the buyer walks away thinking they got a great deal, and you still got what you expected out of it: win-win.

It’s a private sale, so chances are the price is negotiable with the seller IF you make the effort to view the vehicle and personally meet the seller. Why should any private give up 10-15% from the get-go over simply being contacted? It’s possible to respectfully ask if it’s negotiable or make an offer. Throwing

Listing a car (or pretty much anything else) on Craigslist will crush any hope you might still have for the future of the human race.