One shouldn't feel dirty to say that he or she enjoys Joe's character. These over-the-top, flamboyant demand and wishes for Joe to be removed from the show is the grandfathers of kings of Idiots.
One shouldn't feel dirty to say that he or she enjoys Joe's character. These over-the-top, flamboyant demand and wishes for Joe to be removed from the show is the grandfathers of kings of Idiots.
Can you suggest the writers how to get rid of Joe totally with a logical explanation so noone would question? They might need a new co-writer for that bold move.
You do seem like you relate your own character to Joe so much, a toxic sociopath with no redeeming qualities only that you're a real-life character and Joe is fiction. I read all your comments and i find no sign of maturity at all but just childish rants. I wish nobody would write a show with character based on yours…
Your knowledge about the show sounds too shallow, too general and don't have the guts to elaborate on the details because you never watch it. Only an idiot would think Joe has no point to be in this show. Keep your childish rant to yourself. You should ask the writers to quit writing for creating a character just for…
Sorry dude, they would rather keep Joe in this show and let you go. Apparently they don't give shit about ratings. Hope you can get over it like a big guy.
Are you sure Scoot will not "struggling" if he plays a guy like Joe Macmillan? And what do you mean by "struggling"? Do you have some professional acting tips for Lee Pace? Man, you people with this "Scoot McNairy is the better actor than Pace" antics without putting some deeper thoughts and reasoning is tiresome.…
This comparison is silly. Joe and Gordon are very different type of guys. To say Scoot is much better actor, can he play someone like Joe Macmillan? You should say Scoot is perfect as Gordon instead. The bashings of the most good looking actor among the cast trend is getting old and predictable.
Jon Hamm was only memorable as Don Draper, like Chris Evans as Captain America. Lee Pace is still going to be known as the lead of this show, and you are still whining about it. They are not going to change the actor, bad news for you.
Ever wondering why nobody before me replies to your story with Chris Rogers? Because you are the bad actor here. Can't lie for shit.
You don't have any excuse to miss or not being able to find those interviews on the internet. We are not in the 80's. I wonder if you dare to say it to Chris Roger's face to seem cool?
This podcast interview is one of the latest. The older ones find them yourself.…
Your attitude here is suspicious as hell. Chris Rogers and Chris Cantwell have done many interviews which he said Lee Pace is one of the finest actors of this generation. He and Cantwell discovered Pace by themselves from Lincoln and later talked to Pace through Skype. But who cares, you are not in the position to…
How could you missed all the interviews with mr. Rogers but end up here following HACF comments only to tell people that you didn't hire Lee Pace for your own show because he's not a good actor? Sorry to say that nobody with brain can buy your story with Mr Rogers because you're not believable as his friend at all.…
And that your friend and his writer partner think Lee Pace is one of the few exceptional actors of our time, and he's damn right!