
It’s the moment he realized he had made a huge mistake.

The saddest thing about Hiddleswift is not that it happened but that it happened and some people, including commenters on this very site, I might add, thought it was a real relationship. I made the mistake once of calling it what it was and all hell came down.

I want him to win and thank Kim & Kanye. Now *that* would be the ultimate kick in the teeth.

Artist rendering

I don’t think either of them got what they wanted out of this media circus, honestly. I have to imagine whatever they had planned got thwarted when Kim released all the receipts and Tay had to go into hiding. Hiddleswift (AKA Lord and Taylor) stopped being fun right around then.

I want him to lose because Courtney B. Vance should win.

Even though it’s a huge team effort, fans couldn’t help but wonder if he would end up thanking his former flame if he won — since T-Swift could have been a source of inspiration.

No one gives a shit about you or your vote. In fact, can’t you just vote for Stein or Johnson without talking about it? Really. We don’t care.

Dick Cheney has a recurring role as the villain, right?

Oh God, yes, please this. I would watch the hell out of that show.

It’ll be half-hour segments of Grandpa Joe smoking ditch weed while rocking aviators in a camaro. Uncle Tim will continually remind him to wear his seatbelt while breaking into intermittent harmonica solos. They’ll occasionally prank call Boehner and make friendship bracelets for Obama.

The more I hear about Clinton’s emails, the more I like her. We need a brilliant, calculating President in order to keep the economy humming along while simultaneously bringing about the slow, incremental change necessary to maintain a healthy and fluid democracy.

In 9 years, he should star in a sitcom with Joe Biden. I’d watch. The Ex-Veepsters, or someting

That’s the ironic part (though I disagree with your thought on my comment being asinine). The articles get written, people click on them, and the circle of rage continues. Had the headline mentioned that this was a Kardashian, I certainly would have skipped right by it. Instead, I’m introduced to the likes of you.

Sidewalks are considered public space, yes. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying it’s the law. Again, abortion providers often have their homes* picketed in a similar-or-worse manner than this. Check out the documentary “After Tiller” and you’ll see what I mean.

I know, right? I know that all of the (now ex) Gawker Media-owned sites are tiptoeing around anything which could get them sued, but he was convicted of assault with intent to rape an intoxicated person, and of sexual penetration with a foreign object of an intoxicated/unconscious person. It is totally, legally safe

It’s legal to do that kind of thing in front of doctors offices and abortion clinics, why not private homes?

Actually, some of them have. At least in recent years. Outrage over an excessively lenient verdict was predictable. Especially, involving a case given such extensive media coverage.

What did they expect would happen, though?