
Yours is the only comment in this section that counts, imo, Also, the oil companies’ versions of “brine” differ markedly from what regular people think of as “salty water”. That would be bad enough, but the shit the oil companies pump underground is much more toxic than that. What oil companies call “brine” has

I love this man and I support his work

Yeah, somehow I doubt that.

It would be a “freak” earthquake if the cause wasn’t known and predicted. Are the frackers paying for insurance for everyone who’s negatively impacted by their operations? No doubt Jim Inhofe has a Bible verse that exempts them from any liability.

My dumbest idea for an updated classic:

Because nothing is sexier than a young adult who is financially vulnerable without any resources. /not

Good. Lochte is a fucking douchecanoe.

Same. The Slot (and the sadly departed Milihelen) was the only place I was ungreyed. I was delighted to be un-greyed on the rest of Jez today.

They all did that. If you’re un-grey on any particular blog or sub-blog, you suddenly got ungreyed on all of them under that main blog. So if you were ungrey on The Slot, for example, you’re now ungrey on Jez and all sub-blogs of Jez.

and vice versa! I was un-greyed on the slot and now un-greyed everywhere :)

We discussed it in the “women in the senate” article on The Slot if you want to check it out. Basically it seems that everyone un-grayed on main blogs was added to all the sub-blogs.

Did Jez/a bunch of blogs just do a mass add? Did we all just get un-greyed? I haven’t done anything to merit it just being me.

Haha, kinda like retiring the name Adolf ? Or Dexter - the series ruined that name for me and some of my friends.

This post hurts me.


We are having a sibling. Together.

*we’re BOTH having babies

YOU GUYS! Barely doing your work is making me really sad. There will be such a void in my life if you go away. I’ve been barely doing my work for weeks, though, and I don’t even have a good excuse. Maybe this is a sign. I should get back to work.

Prince Harry marrying Kerry Washington despite Barack Obama being concerned about their dangerous boat wedding.

Angelina and Jen: We’re in love. And having a baby.