
Well I’m sure the white kid now has a whole new respect for black people of all stripes and has accepted that race is merely a social construct predicated on mostly trivial phenotypes while also acknowledging that our current society was largely built on the fallacious proposition of white supremacy which is why

Such is the state of affairs in our country that I believe the racist white man is guilty of manslaughter (why not murder?) but I also don’t believe the prosecutor when he says the racist white man is guilty. Both can’t be true. My cognitive dissonance is beyond woke.

Thank you for this.

The bulk of the money is in national tv deals and the free advertising schools get through their athletic programs. Players should get a cut of the big pie...not access to the pittance on offer from local Ford dealers and pizza joints. Boeheim makes almost 2 million a year from the university alone. There’s money to

That’s a beautiful video. Reminds me of me taking on most any defender in the world but in like triple reverse.

nope. I’ve been accosted sexually and pressured into sex I didn’t want to have by a woman. Not so black and white. Human relations of all types are complicated; sexual ones are especially complicated. Happens across genders and sexual preferences. Don’t presume anything related to sexuality is simple.

And another thing: What the fuck is a “true man”? Get the fuck out of here with that patriarchal chivalrous bullshit.

“This kind” and “that kind” were how he felt about himself. He makes it pretty clear that the experience made him realize he didn’t understand right and wrong and he clearly feels remorse about the causing Anonymous harm.
As he says “I was shunned, like you said. I felt like I deserved it” I don’t know how you can

I think the context of this conversation is important. The woman he assaulted has reached out to him after many years without contact, to interview him, for a publication and to discuss what happened. That’s an incredibly difficult conversation. It’s not a safe space. It’s a direct engagement with the person he hurt

I know I’m supposed to be snarky in this comment section, but when I see parenting like that all I can think about is another 60 plus years of viral assholery walking the earth. Hopefully that kid overcomes that dad.

Has your incredible mind reading ability been helpful in other aspects of your life? Seems like quite a talent.

I’ve been trying to place why the full house twins look so familiar. Finally, finally, finally someone gave me the answer - Bless you stig-a-saw-etc.-etc.

This is one I just don’t get...that dreadlocks are the sole domain of black people. And I don’t get it for a number of reasons.
1. I’ve known non-black folk who’s hair naturally dreads up when left uncombed - no twisting involved. So it’s not necessarily a hair type thing (though clearly it also is...just not

This may be true in some white communities. In my milieu, the N-word is verboten between white folk, but especially towards a black person...mostly because the black folk, again in my milieu, would not take it sitting down.
What’s troubling about this to me is that the people in this numbnut’s section didn’t shut him

My dog (A city-pound rescue) is indifferent to black people. And white people. And all other varieties of people. She will go Cujo on any varmint that makes a move in her field of vision though (cats included as they are the sneakiest of varmints). But I don’t think it’s my fault she’s a gotdamn specist.

Heaven forbid we rely on reason on the internet

Nevertheless they persisted.

This was gold!
Clown story had me rolling.
Wypipo: the only thing they can claim supremacy about is being supremely hilarious (assuming their not simultaneously being supremely vindictive, cruel, violent, selfish and/or ignorant).

I hate to say it, but stick to sports Lou. Or, if you want to participate in the national discussion, do a modicum of leg work to understand what it is you’re talking about, you ignorant motherfucker.

Word! Speak it. I hear you. Blind obedience is not patriotism. You can call out the bs and still love your country. In fact, loving your country requires calling out the bs.
I predict the NFL tomorrow will be a sea of brothers respectfully on their knees telling Trump to shut the fuck up. And I hope to see white