As a targeted audience, I don’t care at all for a sedan. I only have one car between the wife and I. What we are looking for is a ll rounder which can do it all. It does means having a hatch.
Fix the covair as he want o keep it, sell the recent Volvo to. Save on insurance and have a better 600$ budget. Juste in case
Just asking, bought my 91 SE for 3000 with a small point of rust (1200$ job and done) in Michigan two years ago, did the value went up, or it is low miles one ?
Available in the USA in 2033
What about paying the guy 1000$ to rebuild your engine?
Renault merge with PSA? Whzaazt new to me!
E) People who live 30 miles to their work without good public transportation (and no affordable for taxi/Uber/whatever)
It seems already lifted Oo
That’s a 309
Done by Mercedes and Renault ;)
Oh! But Boeing should do the same! Make the plane, then operate them. Because they already know them...
Already sold in Mexico