
Couldn’t happen to a nicer pedo.

I am hoping with all of my might that this case gets to the deposition stage. I will read the fuck out of those transcripts.

It’s wonderful when reality knocks a Duggar off their high horse.

oh yeah, but I prefer pickles and hairspray’s facebook page

Man, if that lawsuit goes through, the Duggar family’s going to have to let Josh out of the cellar again. Maybe even for weeks this time!

I would love to be on that jury so I could give this guy all of the money.

Josh Duggar: I hope this guy takes you to the cleaners. You should have known better than to use someone else’s photo for your Ashley Madison account.

Basically any news about Josh Duggar getting fucked over is good news to me.

Sometimes, to beat the faux faithful, you gotta out holy roller them. Duggar can’t play the forgiven sinner card if he’s up against a better Christian.

Eh, the “I’m religious and cannot have my image associated with porn!” angle is weird, but I don’t blame him for a second for trying to sue the shit out of Duggar. You would think “Josh Duggar’s a piece of shit and he wrongfully used my image and now I’m being harassed because of it” would be good enough though.

I am volunteering to be the official Jezebel Duggar Reporter. I am way too obsessed with them and I need an outlet for my crazy. It can be a weekly feature on dirtbag- The Dirty Duggars: What will we dig up next!

Duggars: GOOD. I hope he wins big time.

While I truly admire Catherine’s memoirs and thoroughly enjoy reading them, there is the possibility that the full title of the work should be The Memoirs of Catherine the Great: I was the sweetest little German Princess You Ever Met and I Had Nothing to Do with the Death of My Husband.

I blame so much of that on the fact that we still raise men to be sexually aggressive and women to be sexually resistant.

I can think of damned few things that could make me as mad as a woman consenting to sex with me when she really didn’t want it.

It was fascinating to watch the Bill Cosby narrative shift seamlessly — and almost instantaneously — from “If he’s been doing this for so many years, there would be hundreds of victims, so he can’t possibly be guilty” to “All these accusers prove that women are just jumping on the bandwagon for a payday, so he can’t

Exactly. This had me thinking about all the women who DID get the job...will they turn on Gretchen Carlson because the suit basically implies that they did what she wouldn’t? Ms. Kelly...?

If they’re afraid to come forward, I can understand why. They’ve got careers to protect and there’s very little doubt that this isn’t going to a clean civil affair where everybody respects everyone else’s personal space. I see a lot of character assassination for anyone who comes forth. I may not like Carlson as a

If a guy calls a girl a slut guys have no problem believing him. But if 40 women accuse a guy of being a sexual predator people still don’t believe them.