
Sure is a hoot, the coastline and cold springs kind of make up for all that but not really, some girl just got bit by a shark HER FIRST TIME GOING TO THE BEACH in knee deep water 6 miles from me.

You would be surprised how much that actually happens. There was a chemical plant in Texas last year that had a methyl mercaptan leak (toxic gas). Any who, gas leaks in a building 2 guys go down....2 co-workers notice they aren’t responding to their radios and go into the building with fresh air packs to rescue them.

Police actually do also save lots of incredibly stupid people. But they have to choose their battles.

No they shouldn’t. No cops should run into flames in just their uniform that will likely kill them to rescue anyone. That’s a job for firefighters, with specialized equipment and training. Just as rescuing these three was a job for specialized divers or rescue personnel. Cops aren’t rescuers. Normal cops also don’t

All it takes is someone confronting a car thief to turn it into something “more serious” than grand theft. A lot of people rely heavily on a single vehicle. They lose that, they can lose their job. And it spirals downhill from there.

Seriously. I never did anything more serious than toilet papering houses and juvenile pranks like that, but still I could—and did—sneak out at 3 am and my parents were none the wiser. And they were good parents. Certainly there are those that just don’t care, but even the ones that do—their kids can do things without

That is a good point. Of course, we’ll never know if there was a difference of opinion between the girls over whether or not to continue to the chase.

Which raises an interesting point for those who say that these girls brought this upon themselves. Presumably there was *one* driver and it is possible that the two passengers were begging the driver to pull over. Or they could have been egging the driver on. No one knows. What is the culpability of the two

I can’t watch the video right now but I don’t see what the issue is. In the military their’s a saying “You can’t help a casualty if your a causualty” pulling panicking people out of a sinking car in water you can’t stand in without a floatation device is suicide. As a former lifeguard drowning people tend to grab on

The police are there to enforce the law, not die trying to save stupid people. I grieve for the families of these three ladies.

Not to mention the sick pressure differential between the car and the water. The death chamber comment isn’t hyperbole - it’s a sad fact.

All the driver had to do was pull over and face the music.

Snakes and gators are not bothering you after a car crashes in the lake, likely would see gators eyes moving away from it if there was any there.

I’m not going to say that these were good parents, but they weren’t necessarily bad ones.

Stolen car, driving without headlights

I think I’d probably go with “ Cops Attempt Rescue” in the title. They got in there and gave it a shot, but without a boat and proper equipment they’d be putting themselves in a ton of danger.

Why risk your own life in a situation such as this. I have no sympathy for the drivers of this vehicle.

Sad these kids died but they caused their own demise. Based on these girls’ past, I’m sure their parents are real winners too. Probably the kind of people who would never try to blame others for their problems. Who would want to displace negative consequences of bad parenting and make a few million off a lawsuit? I’m

As someone who has lived in south Florida, I’d absolutely not want to mess with ponds there. There’s all kinds of things that will kill you, from water snakes to alligators/crocodiles to Burmese pythons. Of course, the thick mud and zero visibility both in the water and being at night is the most scary factors. Once

All choices have consequences.