
Women shopping all look on very approvingly at guys buying sanitaries for their ladies

My dad went to the store at 3am for pads and advil when I was 14 and woke him up crying from the pain. He's the best. (That was 29 years ago, but he's still the best.)

Haha, that makes me better, thanks! My sister in law happily reported after her midwife appointment post-baby that her uterus was back in the right position, and I remember shrieking at her something along the lines of, “There was a possibility it could have moved?! That’s A Thing?!” I'm still traumatised.

My dad actually took a pad to the store when my mom needed some so he could be sure to get the right kind

I knew my then boyfriend (now husband) was a keeper when we went to the grocery store to pick up some things for his sister who had just had a baby (she was staying with us for a bit). We divided up the list and separated. Fifteen minutes later, boyfriend returns to find me in the tampon aisle, frowning and empty

My dad not only buys me tampons when I need them in a hurry but even gets the exact right ones. Which means I have no patience with boyfriends (I mean my own, I’m not having a go at yours!) who won’t buy sanitary products because if a 66 year old man can do it, anyone can do it.

The thing is, complete strangers and cashiers aren’t paying close attention to you and what you are buying unless you are acting suspiciously or you’re noticeably under the influence of something like meth or bath salts. Otherwise, they ring that shit up and keep it moving.

I wish I could double-star you for “Switch lives with a commoner who looks just like you”

That’s it? No, I say.

It is a thing! My boyfriend comes with me to all my GYN visits, scoffs at men who make period jokes, and knows the difference between the different brands and why I like the ones I like and has zero problem buying them (when I’m not using a cup), brings me pillows and my heating pad when I’m in bed with bad cramps,

not at all like my first one where i thought i was leaking shit out of my ass all day

As a guy, that kills me. It’s a box of stuff from the store, same as tons of other shit you buy (unless you’re buying used ones?). I guarantee you the same guys who are embarrassed about buying tampons (because the cashier might think you have a vagina?) won’t bat an eye about buying toilet paper or condoms. Just

Seriously? I buy tampons for Mrs Beabull and now teenage daughter Beabull all the time. If its on the list that means they need it. I get tons of mom side eye doing it which makes me just the wee bit peacocky about it

This is so a thing! My husband is totally chill about it, and feels bad enough when I am on my period that he’ll offer to go get tampons for me. Then again, he’s European and grew up with just his mom and his sister so I’m totally blaming both of those things.

My husband has on occasion bought me tampons when I haven’t been able to. He’s super embarrassed about it, but I’m like... this really isn’t up for negotiation, I have to have them.

Hmm now how do we stimulate all the other menstruation symptoms.

Nah, they tried the least unpleasant part of periods. You get used to leaking old uterus bits. Or I do anyways. But the pain... :|

“In the background of every video like “Guys Try Periods” is a low, steady hum of condescension—one that suggests their experience always matters more.”

Unless it mimics the pain and general uncomfortable feeling, no they don't know what periods are like.