
I hope the Planned Parenthood staffers say, out loud and explicitly, “I can’t believe you’re asking me to break the law, Senator.”

I don’t have a lot of free cash right now, but I just made a $25 donation to Planned Parenthood of south whatever Missouri and St. Louis in honor of the Missouri Senate (I used first name Missouri, last name Senate with the honorific Morons in parentheses afterwards). Money talks, folks. These right wing guys are not

...and the number of states I will never live in continues to grow. Actually, I think states are now just fighting to see which one can be the worst state to live in.

Question: How pissed off are doctors groups over this kind of thing? I imagine having to tell women factually incorrect information is pretty frowned upon in general but especially so in the medical community. Could this be a free speech violation of the doctors? Just throwing things out there because I cannot imagine

Try as they might, the cretinous Missouri legislators can’t win their awfulness war with longtime rival Kansas, where Kansas’ then-AG once tried to subpoena all of Dr. Tiller’s client files.

I think you’re correct, I just don’t understand why laws do not apply to this situation, as preventing terrorism ought to trump the abortion debate altogether. I thought prosecuting terrorism was more a priority for the government than showing complicity to violent extremism from the far right wing. If they wanted to

I don’t disagree with you at all, I’m just extremely skeptical that this will ever happen. And I really have no reasoning beyond my incredible pessimissim regarding anything that might support women’s rights when it comes to abortion.

Why not? It’s dictionary-definition terrorism, there’s a direct causal line from the video to the terrorist act, and as far as I know inciting terrorism is illegal. Call me naive, but from a legal standpoint, how can they not prosecute the people who made it? I should think that victims’ families would sue if the

You know the answer to that question, and it’s not “yes”.

Will the creators of the video face any consequences for inciting terrorism?

Agreed, she seemed to have set herself up nicely for her post porn career.

This is heartbreaking. I met her a couple of years ago in Vegas and she was a genuinely nice and very intelligent woman.

I used to work with her at a bookstore before she became an adult film actress. I followed her career, because obviously.

That’s a ripe load of bullshit. The Daily Mail chose to use two different terms in their article, and it’s no mistake that they chose to use the term with negative connotations for her and the term with more neutral connotations for him. This kind of thing doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Unless you’re a big ugly hairy man with a thorned dick, then by all means fuck James Deen.

That’s too bad. It’s nice to see when someone saves/invests their money and successfully exits the industry without imploding. (same with sports stars, too many of whom just go so broke)

Actually, don’t fuck James Deen.

Now playing

That is really sad.
Her name coupled with the sad feelings makes me think of this. No disrespect intended.

Man, I was just watching some of her femdom performances last night. So sad.