
It's pretty infuriating to read the comments on AoS then read the Arrow ones. I enjoy both shows but Arrow gets cut a lot of slack. The writing in the second half of S2 has been atrocious, squandering a lot of the good momentum built up in the first half, but it continues to get good grades.

Not really relevant to my post. There were a lot more than five tolerable episodes but you wouldn't know that by reading the reviews/comments here.

I think what happened was, like I said, episodes 2-5 were beyond underwhelming and after that weak stretch so early on people weren't giving it a chance. FZZT(1.06) for example was, imo, the best episode of the show until Turn, Turn, Turn but gets no credit for being as good as it was. It had real emotional depth,

It's fine if you don't like the show but I think it is disingenuous to say the show got a fair hearing here. The reviewer missed plot points so basic that I had to question if they watched the episode at all(omg tweezer sleeves!) and the commenters were so caught up in hating the show they did the same thing. There

I don't think I've ever disagreed with more people on a show's quality than I do on Agents of SHIELD. I thought the show started strong with the Pilot, dipped from 2-5, picked up a lot from episode 6, and has been good to great from there on out. The same people are behind the show now and the writing is, more or

She already figured it out. Remember her cheesy internal montage at the hospital when she saw the scars on Sara's back? It was Laurel's Sherlock moment.

I thought this one deserved a 'B+'. It was good but there was far too much speechifying, they were SO heavy-handed with the whole "Sara, you're a hero!" stuff, and Blood being able to get the cure away from Slade so easily was just too convenient.

>Is there really nothing else to talk about after this episode?

It was enjoyable but I feel like they're working overtime trying to turn Laurel into a useful character. It makes me wonder if they are killing Sara in the finale and having Laurel take over as BC when the next season starts.

See, I thought FZZT was the clear road map for the show. It had a strong tie-in with the larger MCU, showed how living in this "brave new world" of superheroes could hurt every day people in ways that weren't even intentionally malicious, and gave us our first real insights into the characters.

I don't think it was that much better than FZZT but it was definitely the high point of the show so far.

I wish the people commenting on the AoS reviews would actually watch the damn show. I get sick of coming here every time there is a new episode and seeing this crap. You can blame the show all you want but you're clearly not paying attention.

He was trying to recruit her. I don't think they could have made it more obvious.

Super late reply here but it is pretty obvious: She is playing up the weaker aspects of the show for hits. Part of her review is completely factually inaccurate but that doesn't matter to anyone in the comments(apparently).

I agree and I can stick with a show until it finds its footing if I think the premise or characters are interesting. For me, that's not the case with Girls.

I agree and I can stick with a show until it finds its footing if I think the premise or characters are interesting. For me, that's not the case with Girls.

It's just not very good. It's wildly inconsistent in tone with a cast of unlikable characters. That's not a good combination. Usually I can ignore one if I have the other but in this case I have no reason to stick with the show.

It's just not very good. It's wildly inconsistent in tone with a cast of unlikable characters. That's not a good combination. Usually I can ignore one if I have the other but in this case I have no reason to stick with the show.