
I'd grab a lunch with Tom.
Dinner with Padma.
But me and Gail would be like LET US GO DRINK <3

I may be a murderous blonde fueled mostly by rage (and also alcohol) but oh my GOD this made my face leak… I mean cry. It was a Feels Tsunami. :)

I saw him on Billy on the Street once (they're friends from way back) and he was actually BEING HIMSELF, and I was like my god you are not actually a plastic robot made for smiling and vapid comments, Andy Cohen! And then my head exploded.
Seriously though I actually liked him. Or maybe just didn't find him repellent?

Sheldon + Floppy hats 4 EVA
If there was a Sheldon In Floppy Hats calendar I would buy it. ;)

I think because we're taught that's how we should relate to each other: as competition. Even back in junior high when that meanness started, it was like "oh, that's just how girls do." Cattiness is looked as being acceptable and even as a pass for witty. It's bullshit in the same vein as "boys will be boys" and should

YES. THAT. That thing you typed? THAT! AGREEEEEEEEED
I really don't get the hate for the Seattle season, but that could also be as a local I'm elated they actually showed shit that wasn't just the goddamn Space Needle.
(Now, if you wanna talk shit on Josie, I am there with you all goddamn day. PROPER VILLAIN, SHE.)

Season 7! They did that! And I think they did give them an interpreter, though.
I'm going to be rewatching that season eventually because I'm rewatching them all right now and only on S3, and yes I know I have a problem SHUT UP

Also if anybody else wants to just raid the tropical fruits section of their grocery store and gorge on some stuff like papayas and dragonfruit after watching that, raise your hands. I need to feel like I'm not alone in this.

I had my hands over my face at the end and nearly lost it at Padma's tears. Who WOULDN'T weep seeing Sheldon leave? I'd be upset when he left a room I was in. The guy radiates fun and chill.

Seriously I'm iffy on sandbagging Lincoln. Boring is light-years away from making me grind my teeth in rage at his "looks like a cow pondering Voltaire when attempting to act."
Also I never took Ward seriously. NOT ONCE. I don't get the like. It's like that one thing in biology class in high school, the PTC

How tired do you think she is of scenes where someone grabs her by the throat? I would be pretty sick of them if I were her by now. They can't be fun to film.

All I know is when I played Until Dawn I purposefully made him fail every Quick Time Event so I could see him smack into logs and fall on his ass.

Spouse said the EXACT same thing with the Ultron/Jocasta (maybe Vision) bit, machines trying to make more "human" versions.

Let's pull something further here. If Coulson was never in SHIELD, what would have happened to May?

Totally with you here, Will.
Also, for people complaining about Lincoln, I would 100% rather have "bland" than someone for whom "acting" looks like a dog attempting to do calculus.

YES. I said the same thing. The close cropped-hair and ice-blue eyes of Mace too was very Robert Patrick. And the little "corrective" head-tilt after he got hit? 100% T-1000.

OH my god I had not thought about it that way!
You cats turned my frown at the thought of him being back all the way upside-down!

I loved everything about this episode until she approached the bed and I suddenly went "Oh no, what if it's-"
(picture of Grant Ward)

Well said, and absolutely.
I think I might like the season best of all, because I'm like "whoever wins, this shit was FUNNNN."

I just watched S2 and I'm gonna say - I agree. To the top with a bullet, Katsuji. I think Marcel is too full of himself to really go quite as low as he did.