
I’ve got to say, the Campbell breakdown of the Ford’s specs fits in line with the general setup of the Codec calls from Metal Gear Solid pretty perfectly.

...and having Hayer say, “Fulton extract,” was a nice little jab, too.

That said (and I know I’m inviting criticism here—I don’t really care), fuck Kojima fifteen

5 years too late... The girls are older, taller, their shock value have somewhat diminished. When they started in 2010, the members were 12 year and 10 year olds. The audience reaction would’ve been better if they watched two 10 year olds and a 12 year old singing faux metal:

I agree although I would never vote for Trump over any democrat

This was arguably one of his best episodes he’s done, and it’s a shame to say that because spending this much time on an asshole like Drumpf is akin to putting your hand in a meat slicer.

Would you douse a filet mignon with salt?

I would if I felt it enhanced my eating experience. How I season my food is really nobody else's concern