My wife and I are Six Flags Great America passholders. We go about once a month. It's always been one of our better dates, going back to when we first started dating.
My wife and I are Six Flags Great America passholders. We go about once a month. It's always been one of our better dates, going back to when we first started dating.
We were at SFSL a few years ago and the SkyScreamer broke down with people on it. They were up there for about 90 minutes. That couldn't have been fun. We decided we weren't going to ride it at that point.
I'm going to come off as a total Six Flags fanboy in this thread, but Great America (the park I visit the most) has gotten a lot better over the past few years. Sure, there's occasional ride downtime, but for the most part, the experience has improved significantly. I even noticed they finally repainted American…
Shockwave broke down so much that it was barely operational. The last straw was when an axel broke and slammed through the seat of a car during a test run in such a way that, had it happened when a rider was aboard, they would have been impaled and killed. I think they said "enough is enough" at that point, especially…
So, back in June, the AV Club posted an article talking about Cedar Fair parks and how they keep riders safe (…. It was a piece that smelled of advertorial content, despite not being labeled as such, and I called it out for being such without being labeled as such (…
Rand in a Wonka thread. Waiting for it to get Godwinned in 5, 4, 3 …
It was all there, black and white, clear as crystal.
I hate to say that this piece reeks a little of unacknowledged sponsored or advertorial content, but it does.
I hate to say this, but there's one word I've decided describes the show and probably explains all the issues:
He does talk really fast and flat, which I think makes it hard to engage with him at first. But once you start listening for content, wow, he has a sharp writing team. It is pretty good stuff.
"Maybe you can't stay cool if you're trying to attract a huge audience."
Wu Tang cat got nothin' to lick with.
During its 'prime', swing dance nights generally happened at bars. So yes.
Maybe this is the space where I can safely post: Yes, this post and the article it links to talk a lot about swing music, but not a lot about the accompanying social swing *dance* trend, which lasted longer than the music, or at least it did in my neck of the woods.
As challenging as the last two election cycles were for comedy — let's face it, how could one make fun of Barack Obama without sounding racist? — I think this one is even more challenging. The temptation for anyone with six brain cells or more is to roast Trump and his followers to the Nth. But then you remember just…
Well put.
I think we have to be careful not to try and make this bigger than it is. "Is it because she's a woman? Is it because she doesn't look like a typical Hollywood actress? Is it because she doesn't play nice with the power brokers?"
It's important to note this wasn't necessarily a golf parody in the traditional sense. This was a riff on a particular golf show, namely Shell's Wonderful World of Golf.
The first episode of Vice was, to me, the peak of the show thus far. Between Brett "doing what he loves best" and the interrogation scenes that sufficiently summarized how insane the first four seasons had been, I was in stitches.
I wasn't as high on this episode as a lot of you seem to be. In fact, my gut reaction was, "Is this where Archer jumps the shark?"