Dan Pfeifer

I feel like Fallon's show is better positioned for the viral age. He throws together short, kind of outrageous skits that play to the lowest common denominator and require little thought. That's the kind of stuff that makes the mindless masses hit the 'share' button. I feel like, among my Facebook friends, it tends to

I didn't really like the first one, as it felt like really shoddy TV for CBS. The second one was pretty good, though. The winning 5,000 part, then losing it after buying a vowel and getting the "puzzle" wrong was funny.

Yeah, he's trying to aim broad. He has a stand, but he's trying hard not to take one. He disses Trump because it's so easy, but he's laid off in a lot of other spots.

I'm going to go ahead and say this article gives "The Man Show" and BMS too much credit. If you stare at a cloud long enough, you might think it looks like a Volkswagen. But eventually, you snap back and figure out it's a cloud before you call it a Volkswagen. Or at least you should.

It was so silly, it was awesome.

It's fun to quote in Fark discussions.

I risk creating a giant gulf by saying this, but remember that for all the folks that like films in the sci-fi drama realm (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc.), there are a lot who don't. So while one film shows affection, and the other skewers, where you fall on whether Galaxy Quest or Spaceballs is better may depend on your

I liked Spaceballs, but it's partly because [sacrilege alert!] I think people's love of Star Wars is overblown. I know of the Star Wars thing, but having not seen any of the movies all the way through (yes, I'm that guy) and remembering being bored by what I did see of them when they were on TV as a kid, I felt like

This might fuel those who say "Tap" is better, but I honestly like The Folksmen. Maybe it's just because of all the roles I've seen that trio in, but I like them better as dopey folk singers than I do as dopey rockstars. I feel like "Wind" goes in some odd directions, too (Larry Miller & Jennifer Coolidge's characters

On the whole, good list. Some thoughts, though:

Therein lies the rub: Not as interview-heavy. Late-night talk show interviews are, for the most part, painful. Small talk banter, a movie clip or a plug for something and move one seat to the left — there, I summarized what takes 10 minutes per interview in one line. The monologue and the commentary are the

"There’s no real plot reason why BoJack should be a horse-man,"

Do Mr. Peanutbutter and Diane love each other? They may say so, but how often have we seen it and do their actions really make you believe it? Peanutbutter essentially chose his show over Diane's dignity in the whole Hippopopolus ordeal, and often misunderstands Diane's wants, as evidenced in "After the Party."

In an ideal world, the neighborly kindness and mental health system would probably be the right approach. Bojack doesn't live someplace idyllic, though, he lives in the craziness that is Hollywoo, which is part of what makes you think anything could happen, because in this show, anything pretty much has.

Lisa Kudrow's Wanda character essentially cut ties in the previous episode.

Dang, looked at the way you do above, Scrawler, it gets even more depressing.

I don't know if the interview could have been from 2009; Ellis died in 2008.