
Well they don't clarify if it's intentional or accidental at all, they leave it open to interpretation. Having a "band around his neck" is very different than actually swinging from the ceiling with a suicide note. I don't really appreciate the attitude, I'm heartbroken over this. I'm a massive massive fan asking a

have they ruled out auto-erotic asphyxiation? honestly that's what this seems like

Don't forget, white kids pretending to be a porch band from the 30s! Or even more recent, white kids re-writing 80s synth pop. That stuff hasn't become overdone or lazy AT ALL. That's real genuine music. Guitar playing? What were people ever thinking?

Ritchie Blackmore and Uli Roth, Bach and Paganini. The author is absolutely STUPID and has no idea what he is talking about.

so you just want to argue something you have no fucking clue about? you think if you got a 5 minute lesson on doom metal, you'd be equipped enough to argue the entire history? that about sums up the author of the article and half the comments!

The only trope or cliche here is this stupid "eww musicianship. technique is lame" meme that has been played out for 20 years. Yes, we get it, 100% focus on technique and neglecting everything else doesn't make good music, but what started as a natural back-to-basics backlash in the early 90s has become something