Kylo Ren & Stimpy

Diaz signed the deal with Temple. They had a presser and everything! And now he gets to demand complete loyalty and no more meetings after talking to him? Do you think if circumstances change for one of his recruits, Diaz is going to be as sympathetic?

“I don’t have health insurance” is not the flex you think it is, lady. 

I love a good slider.

Nah. I raised 5 white kids without corporal punishment and not a one of them is racist. 

Came for giant bean.  Left dissapointed.

I was really hoping the headline meant he got a can with a single, giant bean in it. Like, filling up the whole can.

This is so fucking stupid I’m pulling it out of the greys because the only hope for this racist buffoon is to be so thoroughly shamed they have an epiphany.

Well, this very classy goal in the Bundesliga is one thing, but I just don’t think we can ignore the importance of Jozy’s hold-up play.”-a weirdly large segment of American soccer media and probably the USMNT coaching staff.

Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.

That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,

“Conway also said Swift is “welcome to her opinion,” but when “Hollywood and singers and all go political” it only backfires. “

Says the person who works for a game show host. 

Unbelievably, I had to correct this from “100% TRUMP supporter” to “110% TRUMP supporter.” 

I’ve never met a self-professed “lifelong diehard fan” of any team that wasn’t obnoxious.

*Takes a subtle jab and at someone who legitimately got suspended for using drugs to enhance ability*

I think we found Bret Stephens’ kinja username

Don’t you have more important things to do? Like throwing bananas at black soccer players?

Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.

Like most people, they criticize in others what they secretly despise about themselves, you fat asshole. 

Imagine watching a teenager forced to cut his hair or essentially cost his team/friends any chance at a win and thinking, “What a team player” and not, “Holy shit, that ref is a real piece of shit.” The fact that they didn’t make him buzz it or even get all of the dreads (but just a hatch job trim) basically

you wouldn’t be asking that if you ever been to Milwaukee