Kylo Ren & Stimpy

Nuance like this doesn’t exist anymore.

Why don’t you read the rest of the rule, which clearly states what launching is?

Ugh, nuance.

The best part of this video is LeBron flipping the kid on the way back to the baseline.

This comment deserves more love

You are clearly Hitler for suggesting Secret Hitler is a new game.

How do you think baseball players feel about this considering some players think the birth of a child isn’t worth missing one (or more) out of 162 games.

“The exact sequence of unwritten baseball infractions and retaliations that would result in an Orioles pitcher beaning Mike Rizzo is unclear at this time.”

Oxford is a better school than Cal-Berkeley

Heard this dude had it coming.

Are you trying to say there is no way for Kanter to defend this situation?


This is the right answer

I think I speak for everyone when I say fuck Duke.

Best comment on this thread by a mile.

If he worked his dick off he wouldn’t have gotten blisters on his hands for not having swung a bat in a while.

Definitely looks like the hands came up bringing the stick into Crosby’s head.

“If he was an NBA player he’d be dead.”

Same argument goes for anyone defending. The Confederate flag

I agree. Getting old is really weird as your concept of time changes and the reference points you have for time are also changing.