Mung Beans

I'm interested to see how they touch on Serena Joy's life ~before~ — I'm thinking they'll make her into more of a Fox blonde type

fuck that PSA

wasn't she rushing to get married before Becca or something

that scene was so close to my personal vision of hell, where i get invited to a house party but it's not really a party it's more of a "gathering" and everyone is a grad student

Great, glad we had this talk.

"the same way we have to control our sexual desires to avoid rampant raping"

why have I never heard of this movie

I laughed so hard I cried

"Bayley(who did make a fatal mistake here)"
People saying that, but what mistake did he made?

About a 4 on a 10 scale

The stuff with Suzanne always verges on too corny for me, but the thing where she was covering herself with books was really high octane schmaltz

But - but - but Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down

turbo vom

Yeah, Ned would have been like, "men of honor do not use dogs to eat a man's face, you must accept the responsibility of eating the face yourself"

I've been seeing a ton of anti-circ stickers around my neighborhood lately ("his body, his choice" type of thing)

I've always thought Fly was underrated for battles, it comes in handy against Pokemon that lean on long-term disabling or poison attacks, and I like it bc I always resent having to add defensive moves

I've been told that it is complex, incisive and multilayered and just like the deepest shit and whatever, exclusively by mega Decemberist fans. I don't hate the Decemberists but I feel like this kind of person just DGAF as long as you say like "balustrade" and they can go like "hey I know what that means" and feel

Anyone who has ever listened to the most important song of all time, Summer Girls by LFO, knows about the great Larry Bird, jersey 33

I think it's just lazy storytelling, but I'd like to think it's because she's leaning into the brains to escape her real feelings

Did you freak?