
I confess I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole of following someone’s social media presence and imagining what their perfectly curated life would be like to have. I can totally see the allure of doing this. It provides a nice escape from an otherwise dull and/or predictable life. Everyone else has to be having a better

I used to work occasionally with his mom and she is stunning and super nice. She is a dietitian so I had a whole conversation with her about how my son poops after drinking milk and she was helping me figure out if it was a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Then I found out later who her son is. Wasted an

This is not sad. This is very important character motivation stuff to complete the puzzle and push Elon Musk into full blown super villain territory. Yeah, it’s cliche for it to all fall apart over a woman, but formulas are formulas for a reason. They work.

A male feminist walks into a bar

I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”

Also, this.

Yeah, I think the bride/groom made an informed decision, but I feel bad for the innocent bystanders. Can you imagine, you’re already dreading going to your shitty conservative cousin’s wedding because when her Facebook isn’t MAGA it’s a fucking wedding countdown clock, and all you’re looking forward to is the open

Anybody else just feel their vagina slam shut?

I would totally vote for Miranda Hobbs, but Cynthia Nixon is actually a pretty good candidate in her own right. She’s an education activist and has been involved in NYC politics for a long time. Plus, pretty much anyone is better than Cuomo.  

If you’re voting for a Sex and the City character, Miranda seems like the most practical choice. She’s a lawyer, she’s no-nonsense. I refuse to believe Cynthia Nixon is not actually Miranda Hobbes.

Kelly probably gave him a phone that has no internet connection, so he tweets into nothing. While a staffer attempts to sound like a “kinder gentler” version of dolt 45.

Wonder woman might have benefited from a butt bow. It would assist in comfortably holstering a sword.

OF COURSE Blac Chyna makes a shitton more money than that fucking “sock designer,” did no one read her amazing Buzzfeed profile last year? Lady has a head for business and a bod for sin (forgive me for using that horrific line, I have always actually been Team Katharine when it comes to Working Girl, because I loathe

Unpopular opinion, but I think Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks great, especially before she got Mooched. It’s nice to see a woman of size look professional and not dowdy. I’m a woman of size entering a conservative profession and it is hard to make conservative clothes look fashionable when you’re not thin. She’s

This is an inaccurate representation of her vacationing. No where in this video does she eat onion rings.

Reading these was so... I don’t even know what word to use. Like, it was confirming in the fact that Trump is completely in over his head, but it was also sickening to see just how terrible a situation it really was. Like, something that I needed to see even though I knew it wasn’t going to be good. I’m sure there’s

I’ve been that person before (very briefly, thank goodness) and know people who are the same way. The root problem is likely either A) an eating disorder or B) an undiagnosed or chronic medical problem the person’s doctor hasn’t been able to help them with. For me and a friend of mine, it was B. Doctors told me my

So much disordered eating going on. So painful and chilling to keep reading about these “cleanses” and “raw food” diets sister died about 13 years ago from regular old anorexia but today she would have sipped spinach juice on and off all day with similar results and been lauded for it.

I love this so much. I have so many girlfriends I worry about bc they are sooo into wellness that I believe it’s covering up disordered eating.

It’s profoundly irritating when perfectly normal, ancient things without a cost - like meditation and occasional fasting, things humanity has been doing for thousands of years, because they work - get sucked into different movements that suddenly have a price tag, and swamped in woowoo nonsense, especially when made