
Yea but as the author pointed out - This movie is sold as being about as an adaptation of the book which treats Skloot as a side character and the writing the book as a subplot to guide the narrative, but the movie shifted focus to the white writer and her ‘journey’. It’s just another example of taking main black

Still, [Kylie] says, “It’s really hard to support a relationship that’s really unhealthy...”

I have a hard time trusting him after what he did to Springfield...


Yeah, but he’s a billionaire so the dough is made from artisanal wheat grown in fields of gold-flecked soil tended by 7 farmers, one from each continent*, selected for their sure, steady hands and love of the land.

Welcome to Venture Capital 101: talk out of your ass using really sexy, beautifully designed marketing materials and passing the buck to someone else while you take the money and the press.

Girl be cuttin’ a swath through Rich Bastard Land, thas for sure.

Jonathan Groff once made [Lea Michele] laugh so hard, she peed herself before singing in front of Obama.”

His track record is cold and messy.

I gave birth last Saturday, when I was only 25 weeks along, because my high blood pressure turned into preeclampsia and then HELLP syndrome in a matter of days. Original plan was to keep me at the hospital for as many weeks as possible before delivery, but my labs turned bad and then worse and doctors think I would

From London! Not a sign but still pretty exciting for nerdy old me

Two good ones at my local. But we’re nerdy; it’s its own sort of humour.

I just got back from Detroit’s march, which was baby’s first protest! It was a big crowd. My beloved Rep. Brenda Lawrence gave a rousing speech, as did an activist from Flint who tied the day’s protests to the ongoing struggle for clean water in Flint.

An old classic:

The family that resists together persists together. Or something like that.

Not enough of a fuss has been made about Ivanka going to Berlin for the W20 summit. She has no qualifications to work in policy, international law or norms, diplomacy, or women’s rights. She has no reason to be the representative for our country, other than being the daughter of the president. She is not a fucking

Is the Weeknd somebody’s young dad now?

Selena’s day 2 outfit was super cute IMO:

“The vehicle which carries the president of the United States is a spectacular vehicle. It is designed to withstand a massive attack like a low-level rocket grenade.