Crowley issued the following statement:
Crowley issued the following statement:
It scares me nonnative people can come to my reservation, and other reservation, assault me, and my family, and they may not get persecuted for it. The FBI can decide to not go after the person and my court can do nothing about it.
My winner.
To be fair, the only thing she stole from the podiatrist’s website was footnotes.
Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.
Counterpoint: Monica Crowley is an inspirational figure who rose from the South Side of Chicago to become the model she is, today. Her parents urged her on to a better life, noting that, in this country, the only limitations are the scope of your dreams. And hard work. Further, she has lived her life by the motto:…
I miss the days when The Onion imitated real life, instead of the other way around!
Teen Vogue is killing it and I am enjoying watching all the men be like “but women who like shoes can only write about shoes! herp derp”
I appreciate that the chamber of commerce in Texas I saw against this, but I do think we shouldn’t be fighting these bills mainly on economic grounds. The problem inherent in that is that the economic effect that was so noticeable in places like North Carolina might have less effect in Texas, a state with a much…
How proud are you of that headline, Madeleine? Because you should be.
I’m sure the first few thousand choices were all born and bread
Donald invited her because just like him and Jackie Evancho, Rebecca came second in the popular vote.
I hope Beyonce does a duet with Taylor Swift. And then Beyonce, Jay Z and Taylor all go on holiday together and post lots of photos on instagram
I’m sure it didn’t make the timing cutoff, but Madeleine’s Becoming Ugly essay deserves a spot on here too. That hit me (as I’m sure with most everyone who read it) right in my core in a way few pieces of writing have.
Putin: *does increasingly creepy things we can’t do anything about or even really understand because we don’t have his james bond villain brain*
Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol is a common way of coping with the isolating symptoms of mental illness. Fisher has spoken at length about how substance abuse can seemingly counter the symptoms of a condition, offering a false sense of normalcy (sometimes even euphoria) when they become too great to cope with…
My teenage sister does that - she takes instagrams of her polaroids. She wears rugby sweaters and velvet chokers, she knows all the words to *NSYNC songs because it’s cool and ironic. Sometimes I just want to shake her and scream ‘LIVE IN THE NOW, GIRL, THE FUTURE IS GREAT’ but what can you do. Youths.
I don’t understand why Tiffany Trump is always being celebrated. She did nothing except implicitly (maybe explicitly?) support her father by showing up to his most important campaign events.