
Bread, in its historical and traditional form, is not bad for most people (yes, there are those who have celiac). It was and continues to be the staple in many cuisines. Bread can be very nutritious. We tend to think that all bread is the same and that’s just not true. Its just that we are so impatient and have been

Fuck this.

your right these elections are just like star wars :

Pictured: Trump and his private security team.

If you’re a man and are getting away with white pants and baldness, shit is working out for you.  

The people who want to force all women to give birth don’t give a fuck about our psychological state or that we are benefited by being able to choose if and when we have children. If they cared about that, they would simply take the amazing, earth-shattering, who-woulda-thunk-to-do-it-this-way step of ASKING WOMEN

“Edit your post people can’t know I drink wine like a pleb”

Unlike, say, Steven Tyler? Iggy Pop? Keith Richards?

I guess Trump must be starting his interviews for the new head of FEMA.

But gerrymandering and voter suppression are very real things that shouldn’t be dismissed.

hmm. if i’m scolding anyone, though i don’t think i’d use that word, i’m scolding the patriarchy for being suckas

by that standard, I gave up many delicious years ago

I just feel actively bad all the time

“Young lady who do you think you are? I am a white male born in these United States and argle-bargledy-boop!!!!”

Yeah. My people were here before there was America. I know what they say about that.

Man of the Year:

“America as a country has a very fucked-up attitude regarding sex and sexuality...”