
Thank god we dodged that HRC Corruption bullet guys

I’ve taken to staying in my apartment, watching reality tv and eating bread and rarely leaving. It’s a good plan of action. I’ve had 3 whole days where i didn’t hate people!

TV is MUCH more interesting for me when I can obsess with other crazy people over it.

Okay, this is petty and off-topic, but HOLY FUCK CAN THESE PEOPLE LEARN TO PUT ON THEIR FUCKING EYELASHES!! God, better to have your piddly little god-given lashes than one half drooping off making you look all drugged up. Kelly-Ann Conway also had an issue with this recently and it was all I could see. One was coming

I only get my news from

My holiday card this year says “Happy Holidays” in ten different languages and I’m giving them to all my miserable Republican neighbors along with $25 donated to “liberal” causes in their names.

They spoke to Matthew Mcconaughey about this and this is what he said: “Sometimes you gotta go back to actually move forward. I don’t mean going back to reminisce or chase ghosts, I mean going back to see where you came from and picking up drunk kids. Where you’ve been drunk, how you got there, see

I think this attitude is an extremely large part of how the alt right gained so much traction. What happened to proper debate and discourse? If we, as liberals, are so afraid of her voice being heard, and are willing to silence controversial topics then are we really striving for a fair and balanced society? or one

Rihsus meeting her subjects is nice to see.

Petraeus was sentenced to two years’ probation in April 2013 for passing classified information to Paula Broadwell, who was at the time writing his biography and with whom he was also having an affair.

Oops, I’m a fucking idiot. I’m sorry. I mixed up my Hadids.

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

Death of the mother and doctor: a loving alternative to abortion.

Frog legs. Nothing says not elite and working class like frog legs.

It is droll that these shitwits all complain about the “elite,” even though they all graduated from Ivy League schools.

I love reading old reminders that our ancestors were just as horny as we are. Recently I learned about the Secret History by Procopious, which was written in the 6th century and is full of some outrageous slander about Theodora, Emperor Justinian’s wife. He basically writes a whole thing about how much of a slut she

Okay, but can reporting on this story PLEASE emphasize that the camp is located on unceded treaty land? Not only are they being ordered to leave, but they’re being ordered to leave land that actually belongs to them.

Since this is a Dirtbag, may I present a Dirtbag Extraordinaire

Yeah what was that? He’s simultaneously doubling down on the “rigged” claims and bragging that he won by a landslide.