
I generally agree that it’s frustrating when men begin to embrace feminist ideology through their relationships with women, rather than recognizing women as independent human beings deserving of equal rights irrespective of their relationships to men.

Also, Joe Biden! Today! Tweeted this picture! For Obama’s 55th Birthday!

it seems... self-absorbed? it can’t have been easy for a gay marine... i also find it hetero-normative/-sexist of her to think that a non-straight person couldn’t be attracted to her/really in the moment they shared just bc he happens to like dick. we queer people are multi-faceted human beings who can’t be summed up

To be honest, I have a very hard time with those who take their ex coming out as a blow to their ego, an affront to their attractiveness or that it has anything to do with them at all. It really rubs me wrong. Just because someone you dated later comes out as gay doesn’t mean they didn’t love you or weren’t actually

I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to

the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.


Starred because I want everybody to see how you’re so desperate to spew ignorance that you took a tongue-first flying leap down here to the comments and didn’t notice that the article is about a male transgender student.

*slides in with the casual aside*

How is Karlie getting such a strong Wifi signal in the middle of a field? I’m in Prospct Park in NYC and I can’t even fetch my emails on my phone.

Oh man, I have so many hipster friends who are all into organic wellness and anti-GMO or whatever, yet they smoke cigarettes. It is so mind-boggling.

She only looks good in comparison to the rest of her family. She enables all of this. She goes after the Khans. Maybe she is reasonable, but she is a Trump, through and through.

Whoawhoawhoa- not so fast there: the lads are quite welcome to continue sawing off the limbs they sit on.

Why would we need to hear from her when we have all these men around to tell people how she should/would handle sexual harassment?

“After bringing up the Roger Ailes controversy, the third-oldest Trump spawn proceeded to insinuate that “strong” women do not let themselves be placed in situations where they can feasibly be harassed—and that his sister “wouldn’t allow herself to be objected [sic] to it.”

I can guarantee you that it is not one where my Kiwi relatives live, otherwise my cousin Hester would be writing that particular item. (True story.)

Okay but based on the graph

2nd wave feminism called, they want their transmisogyny back.

Feminists can’t wear makeup. I read it in the Femstitution.