That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.
That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.
I hate it when racist murdering assholes make me agree with them.
i’m starting to doubt if Frank was ever even real at all
you could put a physical disk in my hand that says ‘boys don’t cry by frank ocean’ on it and i still wouldn’t believe you unless i got it in a cd player and it started playing new frank ocean music
Do you remember how some Bernie supporters booed him as a traitor when he ultimately endorsed Clinton?
I'm sure she won't and it's probably not that warranted, but Beyoncé maybe should say something to her hive about their militaristic fandom tactics.
It was never about reducing abortions, otherwise they’d support contraception, condoms and realistic sex education. It’s about controlling women.
Since there is literally no downside to this program, and since it will clearly decrease the need for the abortions that conservatives despise, I look forward to hearing exactly how they will denounce this donation without actually coming out and saying that they think women should be punished for having sex.
Living in a shelter is really depressing. My girls and I went to one for some days because of dv and it is really sad, there was barely food, we had barely money, we did not had a car so we did not have a way to even take them to school, you feel like you are in jail.
Agreed. Denying a person their basic dignity (for what??) won't inspire more faith in the system/society. Rather the opposite.
What is the ostensible reason not to allow an inmate to shower? It's amazing to me the depth of torture we allow prison guards to inflict upon inmates for no reason at all.
I’m wearing mine right now! I’ve been singing their praises so loudly that now my husband wants a pair, but he has terrifying hobbit feet so I’ve dialed back my enthusiasm while in his presence.
Or...he could have donated half the money to HILLARY. That would have been a big, juicy fuck you to the republicans.
You can say what you said. It’s when you start using words like shrill, nagging, etc. that you’re entering dangerous waters because we rarely lob similar criticisms against men. For example, Trumps speaking voice aint that great, but other than mocking his pronunciation of huge, we don’t see that in the media much.
Princess Carolyn is a pink cat, not a purple one #FangirlNitpick
Am I the only person in the world who has never used Uber?