
Michelle Obama is also taking heat for highlighting the invisible work of enslaved people. It takes a lot of work to keep the mantle of white, male, privilege in place. Not that they would recognize that.

Michelle Obama’s speech emphasized this too, the way in which she talked about raising her girls and the importance of having someone they can look up to in the White House. What impressed me about Bill’s speech was that he reminded people that even before she was 30, Hillary was getting shit done. Michelle Obama did

It’s amazing. I look like a psycho when I watch it. There’s a lot of clapping my hands together and yelling “suck it, assholes!” She does not pull her punches.

You SHOULD feel guilty. Get on that shit. It’s worth it. Even if you have to give up something else to make the time!!!

Would this be a good time to go over some of shadier parts of Mariah’s life? God, I love her!

Like I am all here for not having to stare at them but this was a bad move on WB part because she would have been all about her mans movie and her legion of fans would have been like SUPPORT HIM and those are teens with expendable income we are talking about.

Fun experiment; go into a public park and watch the people walking by. Then visualize that all the men there have dangly bits just waving around under their clothing and wobbling from side to side as they walk by.

Ugh, that scene was awful on so many levels. First, it’s not the same cashier (the lady who always rang her up is replaced by a man she’s never seen before). Then as she gets more and more frustrated, he jus starts being such a smug prick (of course he knows why her card won’t work, but he’s not going to tell her

The Handmaid’s Tale, coming 2017

What bothers me most about this besides the obvious theft is that Zara could absolutely afford to buy licenses from these artists and designers to sell the exact same merchandise. Lots of companies do this (I know West Elm and Anthropologie both do, for example). This would elevate the artists and make Zara a lot more


I tried using my boner to write with, once. The pen taped onto it really didn’t work that well, my hips got really tired trying to do fine movements, and the tape hurt a lot coming off.

It’s distinctly possible that she is crazy and her fiance also is an abusive motherfucker. Dealing with mentally ill people is a test of character, and perhaps he failed.

Yeah, the mentally ill should not be gossip fodder. I thought we agreed to that when Amanda Bynes was in similar circumstances. Please stop adding to the stigma of mental illness.

I’m beginning to feel like I felt when Brittney Spears was going off the deep end. I’m not comfortable mocking Lohan because she really does seem crazy.

There is NOTHING about our criminal justice system that is about rehabilitation.

Not sure how I feel about this. I mean she was part of the Manson family, so yeah no parole makes sense, but she was 19 when she did these murders/helped with these murders and isn’t our justice system supposed to be about rehabilitation? I get that Manson himself should never see the light of day, and to be honest if

Elon Musk is a brilliant genius/possible alien whose mission is to save humanity through electric cars and the colonization of Mars. Seriously! Tim Urban did a great series of posts about him on his Wait But Why blog.

Elon Musk is in my list of top 5 celebrity crushes, along with The Rock, Harrison Ford, JJ Abrams and Idris Elba. You can’t say I don’t have diverse tastes!

plus if you date him you probably can reserve your spot on the mars colony before anyone else