How about this for liberal dogma-”Anybody who votes for trump is dumber than shit”. Just because you don’t agree does not mean it isn’t true. How are the acoustics in your echo chamber?
How about this for liberal dogma-”Anybody who votes for trump is dumber than shit”. Just because you don’t agree does not mean it isn’t true. How are the acoustics in your echo chamber?
Don’t go there, you sound like paranoid Trumpists when you do. There is ample room for disappointment and even genuine resentment without delving into idiotic gender politics and name calling. Bernie lost, and he lost partly because the DNC attempted to anoint a candidate. But it had nothing to do with her gender.…
If you are smart, you should be smart enough to realize that Trump exists by taking advantage of people. Same thing here.
I guess by lack of solutions you mean bringing this country back from the brink of financial collapse to where it’s at now, which is stronger then it was in 2007 . The unemployment rate being at 4.9% , no longer being excised from health insurance if you have a preexisting condition. Or maybe you mean finally getting…
All I know is what I read on the internet. And I am sure you can support that.
Overall, Trump voters are much less educated than Clinton voters.
If a large part of the right are not the racist, fire breathing, psychos, maybe they should stop doing their best impression of it and pull their heads outta their asses and stop voting for racist fire breathing psychos?
Hurts to wake up and realize your party is the party of Trump, huh?
I never said ‘all of them’ were. But if you eliminated stupid people from voting, it would hurt the GOP more than the Dems.
It is not arrogance to assume republican voters are stupid.
One side has “don’t let gay people get married ever” in their platform. One.
One side openly courts white supremacy. One.
One side actively works to strip people of their civil rights. One.
So yeah. Ditch the wingnuts and then talk to me. “Right-leaning” in 2016 means wishing those darn gay people and women and…
I look at it this way ... when rules don’t favor republicans they just make up new rules, shoddiliy justify this absurd rulemaking, then continue under the auspices of their new absurd rules. See the Merrick Garland nomination. See the efforts to suppress minority voter turnout with armed white militiamen or ID…
I’m someone who’s freely criticized both major parties in the past and will certainly do so in the future, but the Democratic Party wasn’t the one stirring its base into a frenzied bloodlust about jailing and executing the opponent, or crafting outlandish conspiracies like saying the opponent murdered people.
I doubt Lincoln Chaffee or Martin O’Malley was the answer, either. I agree if this was Obama, he’d be up by 40, but he can’t run again. If anything, the Dems need to refresh their bench the next four years.
This statement is why the modern liberal movement is just as intellectually bankrupt as the conservatives. “People who disagree with me obviously are of low intelligence and shouldn’t count.”
I voted early and I’m convinced there needs to be some sort of test you take before you’re allowed to vote. Just basic test to make sure you’re not a complete maniac. I don’t know how many people had to be told the booth was not touch screen and how many others couldn’t work the little wheel. There was also a 60ish…
I fee like people are completely ignoring the fact that their is a solid portion of his own party that has committed to vote against him. It’s not just columnists, look at the counties surrounding Philly. It’s hard enough to win a republican with 100% of your own part voting for you.