Don’t you see how much they objectify Brutus Beefcake? It’s shocking
Don’t you see how much they objectify Brutus Beefcake? It’s shocking
I’m kinda surprised the moveset is so diverse. I imagined it would have just been some kicks, punched, and grapples. Not the sexist looking nes game, but neat in its own right. Also, missed opportunity with Ultimate Warrior. Was always my fav back in the day.
Eek. At least the hosts were trying to say that, "uh no. This is actually worse cuz it's premeditated" and he's gotta hop out with the nasty shit idea that no it's better because they planned it for long term. Jesus, can you imagine how his kid feels about this?
I dunno. I thought the edit was a little funny due to its cheekiness.
Are you telling me you don’t want to see a Blitz skin where he uses an MSI monitor as his shield?
I await the R6 Siege patch that makes monitors impenetrable cover.
Ok, so Bionic Cowboy-Man and Lesbian Time-Traveler Girl sounds like it'd be an amazing movie
I just kept watching his videos. It was interesting, but I'd also like to add I hate you now and I'm never going to be able to sleep again.
Next update will feature new characters. Data mining reveals them to be Birdlady, Sometimes-a-Ghost-girl, Bamboozalord, Shootalore, and Second-Hand Smoke, esq.
Everyone plays on whatever here, but most of the time it seems like we just hate games. It's a really chill place and we don't have a ton of people but we're fairly active anywho. Most of us are in different time zones so organizing anything can be a bit of a crap shoot.
You can just hangout and play with the two of us on the TAY discord server that play Apex. I'm more interested in hijinks and good times than winning every match.
Wingman can be ok for medium range if you have an ok scope on it. You won't be going ham on any full auto weapon at that distance anywho. Just have to account for bullet drop and distance. I've done ok hitting stationary targets but can't really hit runners.
I like to use an r-99 and either the spitfire or prowler with select fire. I don't have to worry about silly things like headshots or accuracy. Just aim for center mass and hip fire
I once played with a Rando who's door strat was "fuck doors", and any building we went into, he'd punch the shit out of them and break all the doors. We ultimately had to leave him behind because he wandered off to find different doors to annihilate. We lost, and I regret not sticking with him.
My takeaway from this is that we need a transcript of all of Snake’s MGSV lines, a bunch of crisp $50 bills, and someone with some modding know-how.
That's awesome dude. Set some aside for a high yield savings/clear out some debt if you have any. The boost to credit scores is mighty helpful for growed ups people. Enjoy the new rig. It's always exciting and frustrating to slap a new one together.
I'll pour out a Bigfoot Pizza for you, Reggie-sama
Press N after throwing two punches to simulate reloading fists to make the beat down feel worse for your enemies
Tfw the patch downloads faster than a mission loads
I wiped a squad at a hot drop with the Mozambique... By just punching them with it in my hands.