
That's the weird thing about religious conservative types. (And for Annette, I am using conservative mostly to mean that she has traditional views on pre-marital sex, etc. Not that she is necessarily politically conservative.) They are horrified by even the suggestion of pre-marital sex, but once there's a pre-marital

This show truly does have everything: zombies, hilarious "medical" treatments, made up holidays (a staple of any CW show worth its salt, to be sure), string versions of pop hits. Please never ever let it go away.

Every time Nostradamus appeared on screen it took me a minute to recognize him without the beard.

I don't think Peggy is a bitch, though she has definitely behaved badly in several scenes this season. She is clearly going through something (as evidenced by her sobbing on the floor in her living room). But I definitely fall into the "Pull yourself together, Peggy," camp. Which I think she will. But it is hard to

But then… what does it mean that she was there? It was such a weird moment.

Because Don basically can't function in California? Remember when he ran off and just lived with a family of sexy strangers for a while?

I think Lord Castleroy is definitely dead soon. I wouldn't be surprised if he dies very shortly after their wedding, as that will put Greer in the extremely interesting position of being an incredibly wealthy widow. As the Pragmatic One, it could be really interesting to see how she handles that lifestyle (although if

It was the scene with Hannibal tied to a tree in Will's dream at the very beginning. I haven't seen Hannibal Rising either, but this screenshot from Fuller's Twitter seems pretty similar.

Bryan Fuller pointed that out on Twitter during the episode. ;) The Grimm Wesen names are frequently hilariously on the nose.

Bay Kennish is my favorite. I honestly don't think I've ever identified with a tv character as much as I do with Bay. Her reaction to meeting the baby and her subsequent feeling that they shouldn't rip the baby away from the only family she knows felt spot on. Bay likes Angelo and wants a relationship with him, but

I still secretly hope that Klaus is the one who did her hair…

Eric owns Sookie's house cause Jason unwittingly sold it to him when Sookie's was in fairy land. So any vampire can come in at any time.

Eric owns Sookie's house cause Jason unwittingly sold it to him when Sookie's was in fairy land. So any vampire can come in at any time.

That Bollywood number was so terrible that it crossed over into being hilarious. At first I was horrified, but by the time Ellis was stealing jewelry and scampering off, all I could do was giggle at my tv. I am of the opinion that if shows cannot be good, they should aim for hilariously bad or batshit insane. The

Did you honestly call Julia's husband "tin-eared"? That man is Brian d'Arcy James and he has an absolutely beautiful singing voice (hella better than the Michael guy). He may not be much to look at, but when he sings, I want to throw my panties at him and his giant eyebrows.

I'm pretty sure the hitman who came into the building was the same as the sniper. He couldn't get a clear shot from across the street so he packed up the sniper rifle and went into the building with a pistol or whatever instead.

I find this show hilarious and awesome.

Bodaway Macawi is one person.