Munch the BanNail

Aren't cops encouraged to work out after work? I mean, everyone needs a break at work for one reason or another, and this dude was just getting his blood flowing.

Kill 'em All

And if you want to go in the opposite direction, head to Cali with a doctor's note for your headaches and ask if they have any StayPuffed marshmallows.

@Stevox: 1 - that's pretty damn cool

@Kaiser-Machead: The first thing I thought when I saw the pic is that it looks like a relative of the 'busa.

@Patrice Berube: Thanks for the feedback, Rube, but in your interviewing of the approximate 6.7 billion people on the planet, you may have missed a few - some of whom I've spoken to, or as you would put it 'somebody think that.' And to answer your questions, yes, I'm from the 1800's (but I'm aging well), and I am

He should be fired along with the journalist who first reported on the BP leak in the gulf so that we can all push our heads back into the sand and pretend nothing's wrong.

To anyone who thinks that animals can't think and feel emotions, I rest my case. What an incredible animal!

@wtfox?!: I honestly appreciate the way you've addressed your issues with me. I know that it's not easy, as it is an emotional issue.

@SarahMC: Thank God A Man has arrived to educate us on our own lived experiences of street harassment

@KittenFluff: I'm not here to empathize, and your condescending snap-to-judgment posts (yes, both of them) aren't the types that lend themselves to cool-headed discussion. If you're going to demonize me for expressing a dissenting opinion, that fine, but don't expect me to respond with butterflies and rainbows. I

@SarahMC: Thank you - it took all of my caveman concentration.

@Xanthippe: Nope - What I'm saying is the same thing that the women above have said - that I can't understand things fully from a woman's perspective, and you can't fully understand things from a man's perspective. You're way of saying it is way more inflammatory, though.

@Screaming Mimi: legally speaking, you don't have a right to "walk down the street in peace," but both of us have the the legal right to speak our minds.

@Lida Rose: Agreed - I have never experienced life as a female, and it's not something that I can do. All I can do is explain what it's like to be a man. And why would I want to take my "evo-psych bullshit" somewhere else? It's been such a warm reception so far.

@KittenFluff: Lol - really? The word 'females' is somehow indicative of me having major issues with you? And I wasn't educating you on your own lived experience. As a man, or male, or whatever I should call myself to show that I don't have issues with you, I have had different experiences in life than you have, but

@littlepiggietoldme: Like I said, maybe I just didn't understand the issue, but your explanation does make things a bit more clear. Again, I've never been on either side of the cat calls, but I was more referring to whistling (what I call a cat-call) rather than specifically calling women out by body parts. Thanks

@Barrabás: I haven't been on the site, and I would agree that's bullshit (guys getting threatening/angry). I would intervene if I saw that shit happening. I personally don't think that it's fair to lump a guy who whistles to get a girls attention in with legitimate sex-offenders. If a guy's been told to f-off and

Groping/ following you late at night is one thing, but cat-calling? Really? Whatever happened to "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?" Doesn't a simple "STFU Douchebag?!?!" suffice for unwanted verbal attention anymore?