Mummy Under Your Bed

I didn't finish that episode because I fell asleep. But I can't go back and finish because that woman just seemed like a monster to me. What I don't understand, is that if you obviously love your cat as much as that guy seemed to, wouldn't it be almost a deal-breaker to get involved with a literal cat-hater?

Another streaming service I won't subscribe to. Full Moon Features' streaming is the only one I need.

Petty probably had no idea what was even happening. Like I could imagine this was all started by lawyers or something, and then when they settled everything and they told Petty what happened and how much money he's getting now, he was like, "aay, that's great guys" after exhaling.

I wish they would stop with their faux-metal stuff. In Absentia was a good mix, but I've been liking Lightbulb Sun more and more.

there's something both comforting and a little depressing that listening to the Murder by Death station in 2015, it is EXACTLY as it was listening to it back in like '08. Nothing has changed or been updated. It's weird.

They got the Oscar-bait fever.

Was this the Mars movie with a score by Ennio Morricone? I can't remember anything about the score, just that I thought it was great. Also I love space movies like this one. See ya later.

I always wanted to get a bunch of buttons, switches and levers installed in my car. Like in every sci-fi movie ever, when they're operating a ship, they're constantly flicking little switches and pushing buttons that light up. Like I just want that in my car. Nothing would happen when I pushed the buttons, but I can

Korean girls don't like the junk food Americans don't like either. Huh.

I just watched that last night! Don't forget Kilmer tripping balls and doing a wacky Brando impression.

Virus mutated. Problem solved.

Maybe this will lead to a Syfy TV series called 28 Episodes Later that gets canceled after just 8.

Next you'll be saying Evil Dead 2 is the greatest remake ever too.

Romero's Dawn of the Dead had zombies getting hit with pies. in '78!

Finally get to see a different side of LA.

Maybe they can add some jokes or something this time. Keep it light.

Anything with Linguo. "Linguo…. dead…?"

Half-hour sitcom with laugh track.

The first Halloween is a classic, sure. But pretty much every sequel ranges from watchable to "please stop." There are like 8 or 9 Halloween movies, not even counting the remake and its own sequel. Some of them are ripe for bad movie podcastin'!

I gave that 12 Items or Less a chance too, when I worked at a grocery store but it was painfully unfunny. I should just go back and watch all the Chad Vader vids.