Mummy Under Your Bed

It's true. When my gf and I first started dating, we compared our activity on Okcupid. She would have over 100 messages in her inbox, which she barely ever looked at, and whatever other bullshit things they do, like Winks or whatever. Whereas I was like, "Look! I got two views today!" and that would be it. It's almost

I met my current gf on Okcupid, a couple summers ago. It was a strange time, I was really into bologna and drinking heavily. I figure if she could get past me in a bologna phase in my late 20's, then she's a keeper.

8,000 Koops Kids? That's a lot of punk rockers to base them on. I'd go with the Cyco Miko Koopa kid. I'd love to annoy the other racers with cries of "Sui-cyco!" and "ST!" and after losing a race, "All I wanted was a Pepsi!"

I think we've all tried this at some point… and we've all failed. HOW did they make that noise? I bet if you asked 300 different people to write down an onomatopoeia of that noise, you'd get 300 different versions.

Well, I mean, I DO live alone. But by "we" I meant me and my girlfriend. Must have left that part off. But, yeah… my girlfriend…

I'm just surprised they haven't tried to introduce a Wario version of Princess Peach. Mario & Luigi have their evil doppelgangers, when will Peach's show up?

Loved his MK64 sounds. Racing as Yoshi and getting that golden mushroom and blasting the Z-button repeatedly was marvelous.

Me too. I always used Bowser, but once I got MK8, I've switched to Ludgwig. It's the hair, it's the one tooth, it's the "Guh-huh-HUH." Guy's the total package, man.

Aww, I like modern baby voice Yoshi. He's become a sort of Mario universe stand-in for my cat, Clark, in the games. I don't know how or when it started, but if we're playing Mario Kart or Mario Party, then Clark is always 'playing' as Yoshi. Sort of projecting the personalities of the cat and Yoshi onto each other. In

Actually I don't think it's canon anymore that they're his kids. That's how they were introduced in Mario 3, but since then I've think they've become his generals in his… army?

The US localization team seemed like a pretty cool bunch. How can I round all these folks up and party with them?


At first I was like, "Wait, where the h*ck did this come from?" But I guess it kind of makes sense. The Evil Dead remake came out a year or two ago, then there's talk of a sequel to that PLUS a sequel to Army of Darkness and the two will somehow tie together eventually and along with the comics, Evil Dead has sort of

I generally agree, and that's kind of why I started snatching up any shitty horror movie on VHS I find at thrift stores. Still though, for as good as TCM looked over the weekend, it still has a layer of filth that it will never shake. Same with the original Evil Dead.

Saw the Texas Chain Saw Massacre re-release in the theater. They say it's a 4K remaster. I dunno exactly what that means other than it's supposed to look very nice… and it REALLY did. I've seen TCM a bunch, but this was the best I've ever seen it.

How can I party with George R.R. Martin.

They will be prepared according to NSA's preference.

Blow up Congress, kill the president, NSA eat my balls.

Mario Kart 8 is the only new game I've played this year. I'm spending more time with older games that I've never beaten, or it's just been so long since I played it and don't remember much about it (Star Fox Adventures on Gamecube).

Is it really fair to include the People Under the Stairs in with his disasters though? Maybe it's just me, but it never felt like we were supposed to take it seriously. Like it's goofy and the movie knows it. It definitely has a different feel to it than Craven's other stuff. It's streaming on Netflix right? My lady's