Mummy Under Your Bed

Yeah, when I was a little younger, I wanted to work as a designer at an ad agency on high-profile stuff. When I got out of school and took entry-level design jobs (not at ad agencies), I started to learn more that longer hours and high amounts of stress just aren't something I can sustain as a career. Plus there's the

Yeah, but will that request be met with a rolling of the eyes and an exasperated sigh? Not worth it if so.

Fucked up episode, yo

Scanners is streaming on Netflix? I saw it only once and that was quite a few years ago. I could appreciate parts of it, but overall it didn't stick with me. I think I could dig it a bit more now that I'm a little older. Also, despite not being the biggest fan of the movie, the artwork on this new Criterion is fucking

I'm not a Wes Anderson fan; I've seen a few of his films and they just do nothing for me. I went to see Grand Budapest cause my lady wanted to and I'm pretty sure I dozed off a few times and in between snoozes I was just kind of like, "Whatever." I didn't even notice the aspect ratios changing, but now I kind of want

Yeah, man, I can't quite explain it either. I've watched a couple other Wheatley films and none grabbed me like A Field in England. It seems like such a grand experience, but contained mostly to just one location and a handful of actors. There's some kind of weird, dark mysticism about the movie that's hard to put

Under the Skin and A Field in England were two amazing theater experiences for me this year. I went back to see UtS about a week later and it was just as good. I got to see AFiE in a very tiny theater, completely alone and that was probably the best way to experience it.

Forgot to say, "no tour dates. for things I WANT to see."

Sweet man, I love scrolling through tour dates and never seeing Columbus, OH on the list.

You change that back to Ted Levine & Clancy Brown because THAT is definitely the one I want.

SHE married HIM?! And they have HOW many kids?!

How about Whoopie Goldberg and Theodore Rex as the detectives.

I'll pass. Who else you got.

He doesn't work when he travels, doesn't work in hotels, on planes or trains. He sounds kind of like a beeyatch.

I've never really thought about it before, but it's hard for me to wrap my head around country music being popular in any capacity outside of the US.

Alice Cooper's ass hole grunts the chorus to "No More Mister Nice Guy" after Alice eats his bag of White Castles.