I haven’t watched it in at least 10 years and don’t remember that scene. Can you remind me what he does when she comes outside?
I haven’t watched it in at least 10 years and don’t remember that scene. Can you remind me what he does when she comes outside?
On days when it feels like we’re regressing, remember this — we used to be okay, even amused, by plot points we now see as awful.
Same here - the Hughes ouvre (and let’s not leave out Crowe - fucking Lloyd Dobbler was a stalker) is problematic, but still holds a place in my aging heart. That’s what Gen X had growing up.
For years all we heard from the “legalize pot” crowd was how it should be legal and then tax the shit out of it. Now it’s becoming legal and they are taxing the shit out of it — as government, particularly California government, is wont to do — and it’s still bad?
Trump looks like Wimpy
It took me a long time to warm to Matt Smith. Mostly because Tennant’s last words were so sad. I shouted “NO! I DON’T WANT YOU TO GO EITHER!!!” at the TV when he made his last, and very poignant, statement. My kid and I thought Matt Smith’s Dr was an interloper for a few episodes as a result. But he grew on us. As…
Also, your name (LOVE!) likely refers to one of the most unsettling episodes of Dr Who in my opinion. Not even the stone angels compare.
I would bet it doesn’t even need to be frozen. That kind of cake has a fucking half life!
I think the problem is that there aren’t enough women in the US asking for it. Most countries in the world have paid maternity leave, even if life there is shitty for women.
Just out of curiosity, which anniversary are you saving it for?
It does sound delicious but I have in fact been to Violet’s bakery and their cakes are gross. I was desperately craving cake and their only options were chocolate & spelt, rasberry & courgette or violet. I mean what the fuck does a violet even taste like you pretentious cake ruiners?!
Wait, the kid who played Will Byers got paid the same as the other boys in season 1? For what? I mostly kid, I don’t actually want them to take money away from that kid—I wonder about this push toward more equitable pay flattens out a lot of what has always been discussed in producing things. And a lot of that has…
I think we have to stop thinking about millennials as very young. Technically of course you are correct, but older millennials are in their mid 30s now so while 20 years is a bit long, plenty of them have are in relationships that are well into their second decade. Plenty of them own homes and have children in their…
I’m a teacher, and this article is total click-baity bullshit.
And I’ll bet you any money that that gorgeous hotel room has one of those shit English bathtubs that’s super shallow, right? I stayed at the Sofitel once in London and even those gorgeous rooms had shit bathtubs.
What a great location! You may already know this, but the tower will be covered in scaffolding and won’t be ringing for a few years due to maintenance.
Big mistake. As a personal branding expert and career coach I can tell you right now that employers look at LinkedIn as much as they do Facebook and Twitter
If you’re job hunting in a metro area, I strongly recommend turning on the options to let recruiters know you are interested in new opportunities.
I saw other people mention tech jobs in response to you, and honestly until I was laid off from a job in IT I never saw the point of LinkedIn. I had sort of fumbled into the position and then excelled at, and tried to make that clear on my profile. For a personal anecdote the last two times I’ve looked for a job and…
Maybe I just have a skewed opinion of it. When I first saw it, it was full of classmates/recent grads with useless degrees, and their profiles were full of sad meaningless improperly used jargon (and generally full of bs). When I visited the site, I could smell desperation coming from the screen. I logged off and…