People still use LinkedIn?
People still use LinkedIn?
Have you tried Siggis? It is truly the queen of deliciously thick yogurts (I’m not a runny yogurt person either).
Additionally - in things like yoga, you need to see the body better to make sure you’re doing the positions well. I’m taking an adult beginner ballet class and the instructor told us to wear leotards or tight workout pants because she needs to see how our body looks in the positions. Is the knee extending more than it…
I aspire to an income bracket that will allow me to have public and/or social media meltdowns and still walk away with a penthouse.
“How boring if every presidential portrait looked like a Sargent [John Singer Sargent].”
And Amy Sherald paints in a magical realism style (anyone interested can just google her name and magic/al realism), which may not be familiar to many people. I’m surprised, though, by how conservative viewers/commenters are on art
Because I’m in the greys, and I know you “know” me, I’ll post this here:
There is plenty of reason to dislike this point of comparison. . There is an implication that autism, which is a part of a spectrum of neurological difference that is an expression of genetic diversity - many dimensions of which do not consist of impairment or disability - is the equivalent to substance-induced…
I don’t know why, but it just doesn’t sit right with me that this study makes a comparison between Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (something wholly preventable) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (wholly unpreventable, at least to our collective knowledge at this point in history, anyway), even if it is just in numbers.
That being said, she quickly added, “If you’ve already got the flu, I’m gonna pray for you right now ... flu, I bind you off of the people in the name of Jesus. Jesus himself gave us the flu shot.”
She can feel free to get the flu and die, but I’m getting my damn flu shot like a reasonable adult.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 36 years on this planet, it’s that you should never ask anybody why they aren’t having children. Or why they are, or why they’re only having one, or why they’re having so many, or if their multiples are the result of fertility interventions, or if their kids are adopted, or why…
27% of teens in CA sounds high.
Only the right ordinary folks. You know, like Bunny Bixler and Muriel Puce.
I used it a ton as a preteen/teen. I think the most effective thing to do is not rely on their modding because they’ll always have to catch up with people finding new ways to game the system but to talk to kids about it (both the platform in general and any sensitive topics they may encounter). The response of some of…
Youtube is a platform first and foremost and is what their community makes it. Theres a lot of crap (which could exist on any platform quite frankly) but there is a lot of great things there too. Frank and normalized LGBT content. People speaking openly about mental health. All types of stuff. Rojas above I was…
Oh boy, oh boy!
‘Third base!’
I keep trying to kick my young teen out of the house to go get up to no good where I can’t find her. But she and her small circle of friends continue to be well behaved homebodies who play on their phones and draw. It is like I live in a Twilight Zone episode and the twist ending hasn’t kicked in yet.