
:(((((( I know right? Millihelen totally filled a void for me to talk with people about makeup in a non-judgmental way, free of drama (unless we were specifically inviting drama, like in this exact example).

You get things in absolutely no way whatsoever. :)

This was the first (and most likely the last) time I had an inkling of respect for Ted.

On a related note, I just spent some time investigating whether I’d be eligible for German citizenship based on having a German-born grandparent (not a chance- I knew it was a reach). I then paused to ponder the irony that it was to escape Hitler my great grandparents opted to pull up stakes and head stateside. And

Actually, my previous snarky comment aside, I was thinking about this over lunch and what really rubs me the wrong way about the typical homeschooling advocacy I hear — this piece emphatically included — is that most of what they present as “education” is stuff that my parents did with little baby

In a strictly selfish sense, for affluent families with highly educated parents, I could see homeschooling as a net good for the child. As a teacher myself, I mourn the loss of students who have decent support systems to the general classroom. The damage removing students who have great advantages does to everybody

Most likely, they were weird and socially awkward to begin with, and they pulled out of school because the bullying was too intense (also the academics are not engaging). Homeschooling doesn’t *make* one socially awkward. You either are or you’re not, and if you’re in school, you’re likely to be bullied for it. That’s

To be fair, these parents sound like they do a little overparenting when their spawn are around.

Your words actually did make me feel better! Although, I’m terribly sorry for the women struggling so young : ( that must really really suck. I’m supposed to go to a birthday party tomorrow (well, it’s for the kids, it’s their cousin’s bday) and I still haven’t decided whether or not I’ll attend because a woman is

I’m 20 years younger, but also breastfed my two kids and am always made to feel like garbage for the state of my tits post-bfing and my flabby, stretch marked stomach. My husband says he doesn’t care but then when I see women on the internet bragging about how much of a loser I am for sujecting once perky tits to

Please, please wear your string bikinis forever. :)

Agreed. I’m glad the police are involved.

I’m sorry you or anyone else has come to feel that way. :(
When I was a kid, we belonged to a health/tennis club. At 10 I remember being in the locker room and women went about naked in there like it was no big thing at all. Women of all shapes, sizes, and ages would shower, use the sauna and hot tub, do hair and

...and all of those criticisms are legitimate, whereas bringing up her being imprisoned for insider trading are not.

I’m pretty sure Martha thinks everyone who isn’t Martha is lazy. She gardens, she bakes, she judges.

My husband and I danced to Black or White by Michael Jackson, we’re interracial, and the guests in attendance seemed to be in on the joke, they all joined us on the dance floor.

We had a jazz quartet play an instrumental version of “La Vie En Rose.”

I regret nothing.

Now playing

Is this where we all tell you what our first danc was and wait for the accolades? I got married a million years ago (it was actually 22) and our first dance was to Randy Newman’s I LOVE TO SEE YOU SMILE. It’s a perfect fit for our kind of love, which is pretty low maintenance, I married my best friend who I like to

No, that’s a crazy range. Most RV campers don’t spend anywhere near that much and from growing up in that world I can tell you most of the buyers are working families actually. The majority of models you actually see in campgrounds are lower priced, in the range of $10,000s. Many actually even less. “Starter” campers

Totally fair. But speaking as a sugar addict I prefer to just scarf a sleeve of Double Stuf Oreos about 3 times x yr when I REALLY need to eat my feelings. (My kids get neither, although they get candy or ice cream once or twice a week.)