Why are we putting coconut oil on everything?!?!? No offence but if I read one more thing on the internet on how coconut oil will solve all of life’s problems I’m going to put some coconut oil on the internet to see if it will shut up about it.
Why are we putting coconut oil on everything?!?!? No offence but if I read one more thing on the internet on how coconut oil will solve all of life’s problems I’m going to put some coconut oil on the internet to see if it will shut up about it.
Ok, granola isn't healthy but I think it might be better than scarfing candy bars (and I don't mean dark chocolate ones.)
I thought the entire chain of commentary was pretty good, including the prediction that Rosberg would take him out rather than let him pass.
Same here.
The best part of ordering from Sephora online is the three free samples you get with every purchase. If you don’t…
“In another, sent in 2014, he wrote: ‘I am sure you are happy that you got over 200 people jobless,’ adding: ‘Karma has no expiration.’”
Man-stuff usually isn’t very good. It just smells “manlier” but is actually much harsher and less moisturizing when it comes to shampoo and conditioner.
why does Kara think nobody uses Metro
For anyone who doesn’t have Spotify, like myself
This is comparatively local to me, and it’s breaking my heart.
Damn, where was that Goodwill? Beverly Hills?
I don’t understand, they’re so ugly.
Bubble: I wish I was more curvy. I wish I had breasts like yours.
She was outrageously badass. Off the top of my head, she was raised under Nazi occupation. When her father was sent to the camps for Jew sympathizing and her mother caught TB she was sent to live in Tunisia with family friends. Her plane crashed on the way home in the middle of the Sahara and she was rescued by…
I have never been as jealous of a stranger as I am of your fox friend-having, glamorous grandmother.
Oh my god. I’m googling this right now. I have a rash guard for the top that i don’t love but I think I'd like leggings for the bottom and for kayaking.
They are comfortable. I love them. Hard to pee in is my only complaint.
My old school have swim wear that looks like a surfershirt+bikeshort.
I swim so infrequently (partly due to my dissatisfaction with swimwear) that I haven't had a chance to try them out yet. I have swum with a long-sleeved rash-guard, though, and that was easy and comfortable, so I think the leggings will be just as easy and comfortable.