
I watched all of The Leftovers in the past few weeks, and it really is top-flight television. That said I was so depressed at points I had trouble getting out of bed.

Inhumans was announced for a September debut a while ago. The first 2 episodes get an I max screening in early September and then it premieres September 26 I believe.

Probably 13 as it probably won't come back until midseason. Probably same schedule as this year but with Inhumans occupying when the first batch of episodes was on.

Bright side is it should be a shorter season since apparently American Idol is taking up Sundays midseason.

The real horror is when you realize all of the remaining books are by Danielle Steele.

I get the feeling after Jeremy's speech about Val, she said "fuck it" and voted for him regardless of the number.

I'm of the school of thought that if you have to win every challenge to stay alive, you're playing the game wrong. And Mike built his game early upon a very poor, shaky foundation that saw him get isolated quickly. Really, voting out Joe was a terrible mistake for Mike because it basically turned him into the new Joe.

Sure, this cast may be full of unlikable douches, but it's made watching them flounder around here at the end pretty damn satisfying.

Again, I don't see Mike not letting Sierra in as a winner's edit, I see that as one of them times they're highlighting a grating part of his personality, which they've done a couple of times this season. Because he can be overly aggressive and doesn't play with others all that well.

Carolyn got a lot of screentime early in the season. I had her picked early as the winner and I'm sticking to it. She's disappeared in the last few episodes but I think there's enough there where they can play her off as flying under the radar. Plus she has that Idol too which lends some cred. Is she an exciting or

Is five-pin bowling seriously only a Canadian thing? I never knew that.

Wow, I (and I imagine tons of others) could have sworn Jeremy had a winner's edit going all season. Last week clinched it for me. Now…

I'm from Vancouver, and so many sci-fi-y or fantasy type shows are filmed here. It's awesome recognizing Stanley Park and Steveston in Once Upon a Time and in Supernatural (and i always notice when those shows use the same filming spots, such as the cannery). Come to think of it Supernatural's probably the one I'm

The thing is, to beat someone unlikable in the final, you have to actually be likable yourself.

Oh yeah, Kass is definitely not winning. But if she has zero chance of winning like he said, then Spencer's running somewhere in the negatives.

Spencer: Less of a chance than Kass of winning the game.