
It's not a riff, but I love when Joel realizes that they're using the same voice for the guy driving the car and the policeman who pulled him over. "That's just one guy." He sounds so outraged by this, as if this is the movie's biggest transgression.

"Drained and satisfied…" Any five minutes of that episode can do the trick, even the non-patent-papers Robert Denby plot ("you mean you *like* Robert Denby?").

I always found Clifton's TWOP stuff as pretentious self-indulgent mental masturbation - thirty pages for a one-hour TV episode? Spare me. But maybe fiction is a better fit for him than True Blood recaps.

Agreed. Colbert always treated Keith with respect and to Keith's credit, it would have been easier for him to stay in a Fox-and-Friends comfort zone but he didn't. I remember his first appearance when he told Colbert he had voted for Gore in 2000, but 9-11 changed him. It made me appreciate the effect of that tragedy

Ugh, I'd go with "Baby's in Black" over Bungalow Bill. And Revolution (the fast single) over Rocky Raccoon. And I know Yesterday is a classic but I love the harmonies and melancholy of "Yes It Is."

I find the podcast unlistenable. Just when the scientist guest is getting into something really interesting, the guest comedian (in the episodes I've listened to, Jim Gaffigan and Jason Sudeikis, separately) felt the need to interrupt with a hacky joke or some "wow what a geek!"-type comment to appeal to the crowd,

I can't wait for her first essay: "Who Farted? Explaining My Face."

Who knew there were five years' worth of "pearl necklace" jokes out there?

It's funny, it reminded me if That's My Bush too. And a little Get a Life, too. But I loved those shows and really liked this show.

So many good lines. Upon learning that Jack works at a museum information desk, telling people where the restrooms are: "I'm proud of you, Jack. You're doing work usually reserved for senior citizens, and signs."

Loved Jack and Triumph! And I owe them big time because if I weren't watching that, I wouldn't have come across Bag Boy.