Multicultural Fruit Enthusiast

That’s actually really good... I think I was in the teens or low 20s a couple of times.  I sort of gave up after I realized I didn’t know what was going on, but now that I’ve read this article I want to give it another shot.

Sure!  I don’t need the option to *build* an overworld, just give me a few options for overworld maps and let me assign my levels to them, or community-generated ones, like you mention.


It looks great, but I really wish they’d add an overworld option so that instead of just playing a bunch of disjointed levels, you could play an actual game.

Didn’t Nixon put a bowling alley in?  Loathe our POTUS but literally don’t give a shit about this.

Came to say this, but knew someone got to it before me. Cheers, Mr. Nutty.

“five-game sweep”

Even though I don’t know who the fuck orders spaghetti, an oversized pretzel, and ribs, I have to say the food in the commercial looks pleasantly appetizing.

I did a little more work since your comment and basically found out that my return this year will be closer to $1800, not $600, and my withholding went down by about $1200 (so that did in fact change, and I was getting more of my money in each paycheck). That still leaves a difference of about $3000 from last year,

I got this on Wii U for Christmas several years ago - I think I played it for 30 minutes and meant to go back to it and never did.  These comments make me feel great about that decision.

Genuine thanks for your response. I know there’s a way to get to this info, but I think what I really mean is, I am not sure if I am sending the government more money (if true) because of the changes to the tax code. Even if I compare the numbers and find out that they differ, I made several changes in 2018 (increased

I remember this article, AND your comment, and I didn’t star it.  That’s since been corrected!

I’m pretty inept when it comes to taxes, but I had heard from a friend who’s knowledgeable about the subject that the IRS changed withholding levels starting in 2018 to boost our take-home pay and make it look like the tax cut had an immediate huge impact on our wallet. The end result for me is that my $6000 refund

Awesome!  Thanks Team17!  Loved the seasonal update, even though the third or fourth level is almost impossible to beat with just 2 people.  (I’d wish they’d update their star-ranking system to be scalable with the number of players...)

i’m an uncultured swine

Are we all siblings or something?

Ah yes, only the most sensitive men change their babies’ diapers, us real men let our kids sit in their own piss and shit until it develops enough character

Lol I bought Blossom Tales on Tim’s recommendation and didn’t even get halfway through :(

Great point.  My catalog is little else other than “Nintendo flagship titles” and “digital indie games people won’t stop talking about” i.e. Celeste, Hollow Knight, etc.  I imagine I’m not alone.

You guys really like to refer to Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer as “Mike ‘Nuke The Gays’ Priefer”. Have you ever considered that Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer maybe doesn’t like being called Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer? Did you reach out to Mike “Nuke The Gays” Priefer for comment? Please be more mindful of what Mike