Montana Matt

Just stop already. You can’t say the cop deserve to charged with murder then in the same breath blame DuBose action’s for his death. The cop has training and guidelines for these situations. The PD says he was wrong, the DA says he was wrong. DuBose actions should have in no way caused his death. You sound exactly

And you just lost the argument. Keep your cool man. You may learn something.

White privilege at it’s best. Bravo.

You have no idea what this officer would have used lethal force for. The cop was a shitty cop. He killed another human being for putting a key into an ignition. He had no idea why DuBose put the key into the ignition. Instead of diffusing the situation, which is what a person with a gun is supposed to do when the

“Two parties are to blame for this incident occuring, the officer AND Mr. Dubose.”

“Had Mr. Dubose not been black he would still be alive today...” FTFY

This argument is ridiculous on a thousand levels. The only person at fault for the death of Sam Dubose is the officer who shot him in the head. The end.

I don’t understand how you can be so mistaken. There are five lights.

I don’t understand how you can be so mistaken. There are five lights.

Very cool interview.

This is so much better than a flying car.

“Hey Cam, you’re so fast. You’re working the judges table AND you’re in the ring? Keep up the good work.”

The most offensive part of this story is that it took 40 minutes to make 3 pancakes at a diner. A DINER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT A DINER IS?! That's a goddamn travesty.

This sounds like the pilots don’t really understand “drones”. They do not pose a risk at all to other aircraft any more than a medium sized bird.

Never land repeatedly at the same site, especially if you don't control it 24/7.

That sounds much more likely and reasonable.

^This, I don’t “like” him anymore...but I will watch his movies and not feel the least bit guilty about it.

I’ve come to appreciate his movies and acting and separate the snark that I regarded him with, largely because of his personal life, from the respect he deserves as a professional. Whatever else you might say about him personally, you can’t deny that he’s a good action movie actor and he gives 100% all the time when

Haha, yeah when I first saw that I was like “Holy shit, he’s actually hanging on to the outside of a plane during takeoff.” Got to give him props for that, dude has some balls.

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.