Montana Matt

I’m a woman, and two of my reasons for disliking Ellen Pao are that 1. she has made no attempt to engage with the community, especially community moderators (and has only admitted this after this huge controversy) and 2. she randomly decided to fire an employee with cancer after they had been in talks for months (and

My eyes rolled so hard they’re now stuck upside down.

This is the kind of bullshit that damages the credibility of everyone who fights for social justice. Go fuck yourself.

Your argument is that the phrase “women have two X chromosomes” is transphobic? Because there are literally billions of women out there with two X Chromosomes. Nowhere does that sub imply that trans people aren’t allowed, or that ONLY individuals with two X chromosomes are women.

Transwomen aren’t “women”. Transmen aren’t “men”. They are both, by some, included under the umbrellas, but the fact that a subreddit goes by the name of 99.9999% of what biological women are is not a problem. It’s just whining about reality to complain about it.

Indeed, the “last straw” in all of this is the firing of Victoria Taylor, whose contributions were necessary in attracting people to IAmA. Which was a huge chunk of the website. Taylor interviewed Barack Obama. Yeah, that Barack. Then Pao fired her. Seems like a silly administrative decision.

You do realize that there are a whole lot of people out there with 2 X chromosomes? And most of that group is women?

No, I didn’t. I mentioned twox and then said there are dozens of other women/feminist focused subreddits. Twox would fall into the former moreso than the latter. And, by the way, there are millions of cis-women who are transphobic. Right or wrong that’s their view, they’re upset that all matters and forums about women

Also, there are a lot of local news subreddits, too, which are great for local news and goings on.

Shame about the mysogynistic tone of the petition, since it sounds like there are a lot of very valid criticisms of her work and it would be otherwise fairly impressive for a user groundswell to oust the CEO of a popular site.

Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

I must have missed the part of this post that spoke of race or racism. Let me go bsck and reread..better yet you should go back and read it. When you’re done comeback and leave a relevant comment

The danger of being a police officer is vastly overstated and it’s by design. FOPs exaggerate the dangers of the street, partly for bargaining and partly to help member officers get away with the shit described above.

Yea! Why can't they just let these guys kill whoever they want for no reason at all in peace???

It’s too much detail to go into in this post (a book needs to be written on rotten Fairfax County law enforcement — the local news outlets don’t reveal nearly enough, though the Post does make some effort), but this fish stinks from the head. The county board basically rewards police who kill and they applaud the

As a resident of FFX County, I appreciate any and all attention that is brought to these cases. I understand that LE has a challenging and sometimes thankless job that drives a ‘protect our own’ culture, byutwhen that culture devolves into something that routinely circles the wagons around violent criminals, something

I wonder if there was no previous relationship in the sense that he probably never broke up with her. I had a coworker this gullible and it was heartbreaking, she didn’t know how to just cut him off.

I... I just... I don’t want to judge because I once witnessed my psycho ex leave a club with his other girlfriend and walk toward his house, and he just smiled and waved at me and kept walking, and the next day I (confronted him with the irrefutable evidence of my eyes) allowed myself to be convinced again that they